instagram & imessagenotnott posted a story
unknown number066-(xxxx)-xxx
Esmeralda Black?044-(xxxx)-xxx
You're her, you're Esmeralda Black066-(xxxx)-xxx
everything matches, you said you've
blonde hair, when we talked about dray066-(xxxx)-xxx
mine and your father don't get along
and the work you send me looks
the same riddle got send066-(xxxx)-xxx
from none other then ur brother066-(xxxx)-xxx
you are her 100%044-(xxxx)-xxx
okay I'm her but that doesn't
change the fact this convo
should not happen066-(xxxx)-xxx
I just like talking to you066-(xxxx)-xxx
What if I say we try this secretly
no one will know, I will do anyth
to make it work, please044-(xxxx)-xxx
I don't think this is a good idea,
we should stop this here before
it's gets too close yk066-(xxxx)-xxx
but you're the first person who is
nice and friendly to me, why
not risking it?044-(xxxx)-xxx
because it's a big risk,
just for some friendship?044-(xxxx)-xxx
and my father will hate
me if I betray him066-(xxxx)-xxx
he won't know, nobody will
if that makes you be a friend
to me044-(xxxx)-xxx
you seriously want that
yeah you sound like someone
I need, you're the nicest without
really knowing you :)044-(xxxx)-xxx
okay nothing says against
a friendship with you066-(xxxx)-xxx
god you are really sent
from merlin044-(xxxx)-xxx
but nobody knows, I can't trust
anyone and if this here gets too
much I stop it immediately066-(xxxx)-xxx
we will stop it right away,
if it makes you uncomfortable066-(xxxx)-xxx
I just like having a friend who
doesn't judge and helps me in
you are like batman044-(xxxx)-xxx
okay this is getting weird now044-(xxxx)-xxx
but it is funny, you're funny
so good night, Esmeralda044-(xxxx)-xxx
call me mae, all my friends do066-(xxxx)-xxx
then mae, call me theo044-(xxxx)-xxx
good night theo066-(xxxx)-xxx
good night maesecond chapter
and the deal is finally here but,
like any other story, it doesn't
always end the way we want,
not everything is easy 🤧
AGAINST ALL ODDS - Theodore Nott
Romancetwo different worlds yet they were the same Theodore Nott x OC