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I suddenly bolt up out of my bed. "Tom!" I scream, squealing slightly. "What's wrong!"

"You're on my for you page again! You're popping back up Tom!" I point to my phone. "I'm alive again babe!" He laughs. "And is!" I hop back on the bed.

I grab my laptop and hand him my phone. "Play Roblox with me." I demand. "What game?" He asks.

"Bloxburg, I made a restaurant and I want to show you." I log into my account on my laptop, joining a server, Tom joins my server. "Do you have a car?" I ask.

Tom turns his head to me. "No, I'm broke, come pick me up." I sigh, getting in my car in Bloxburg and driving all the way to the other neighborhood.

"Hang on let me give you permissions." I hop out of my car.

"STOP MOVING, IM TRYING TO GRANT YOU PERMISSIONS!" I yell, lifting his thumb off my phone. "Okay, okay I'm sorry."

Tom snickers, I give him roommate permissions, getting back into my car. I drive all the way back to my side of town, parallel parking my car in the parking lot.

"Okay come with me." I tell Tom, walking inside of my restaurant, I start to give him a tour of it all. "Okay, and this is where I keep all the premade food."

I show him the backroom, he takes a piece of cake out of the plate, munching on it.

"NO FATASS THAT'S FOR MY CUSTOMERS." I nudge his shoulder. "Now I want cake, let's go get some." Tom says getting up. I close my laptop, getting up. I throw Tom his disguise beanie and a pair of glasses.

"I feel like a criminal or something wearing all this shit." Tom laughs, putting the white beanie over his dreads. "I'm gonna make you passenger princess because I wanna drive." I say running down the stairs.

"I wanna drive!" Tom pouts.

"My car." I growl, jokingly. Giving him a kiss on the lips before stepping out the door, I unlock my car, running over to it. I get in the drivers seat, while Tom gets into the passenger.

I back out of the driveway, checking my surroundings for anything behind me.

I start to drive onto the main road, one of my hands switch to the aux, pulling on it to play some music, Tom suddenly tugs on my hand, I look to him in confusion before glancing back on the road.

He takes my hand, placing it on his thigh. "Thought you said I was passenger princess?"

"You're right, I did say that." I grip his thigh tightly, rubbing it. "Woww, I feel so loved. Is this how you feel most of the time?" He says sarcastically, laughing.

"No, it feels more special cause it makes me pulsate." I say, switching lanes.

"Good to know..." Tom nods, very slowly.. "I'm never sitting passenger seat again." I sigh.

"What, why not?" Tom asks. "Because, I know the type of person you are." I reply. "What type of person am I?"

"The type to finger me while you're driving." I scrunch my brows, at the stop light, sighing as I lean back into my seat. "I wouldn't do that." Tom disagrees.

"Yeah, you would." I turn my head to him. "Can I do it now?" Tom asks. "You want us to crash?" I laugh.

"Not really, no. But we're at a stop light right now." Tom points to the lights, that immediately turn green after he finishes his sentence. I smile, driving off.

"I just have bad luck." Tom crosses his arms. "It's not like you're gonna be getting the orgasm." I shrug.

"Yeah, but it'll be funny seeing the look on your face ALSO, you can give something for your partner not needing anything in return LANA." Tom says.

"The Lana, is crazy. What no Heaven?" I pout slightly.

"Nope." Tom shakes his head, crossing his arms. "But yet you say we're soulmates." I tap my fingers against the steering wheel, leaning up in my seat.

"What, you don't think we're soulmates?" He replies. "Didn't say that." I shake my head. "You basically did."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too!"



I pull into the Starbucks drive thru. turning my head as I glare at Tom. "DID NOT." I say sternly.

"DID TOO." He says sternly back. "DID NOT." I grit my teeth. "Just shut up and give me a kiss." Tom puckers his lips up, I smile giving him a kiss.

"Did too." He whispers against my lips, smiling. "We are soulmates." I nod. "I know." Tom nods as well.

"I want two vanilla cake pops and a strawberry refresher." Tom hands me his wallet, I push it back. Getting mine out.

"Fuck that." Tom says grabbing my wallet. "No fuck you." I stick my tongue out at him. "I dare you." Tom says. "I might just do just that!" I gasp.

"Good, you should." Tom says. "But I won't." I shake my head. "Why!" He whines. "Cause, i'm mad at you for yelling at me." I reply. "When did I yell at you?"

"When you called me Lana, kinda hurt my feelings not gonna lie." I sigh, moving up in the drive thru slightly.

"I'm at that stage, where I don't have to be nice. You should just know." Tom says.

"I just need some reassurance sometimes and a I love you, sometimes. That's all!" I throw my hands up surrendering. "You know I love you, I tell you like five times a day." Tom laughs.

"It's still not enough." I reply.

"Okay fine i'll tell you oneee last time." Tom puts his finger up, I raise my brows waiting for him to talk.

"I love you Heaven."

"Mhm." I hum. "Woah, I feel offended right now." Tom puts his hand on his heart. "Great, you should." I say. "I'm never telling you that I love you again." Tom crosses his legs.

"Didn't you say, you could give something for your partner, not expecting anything in return? Isn't that literally what you said, not even five minutes ago?"

"I still expect an I love you back!"

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