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I WALKED OUT OF THE CLASSROOM IN A RAGE. A controlled rage that was slowly spiraling out of my grasp the more I thought about what had just happened.

How dare he expose me as a Natural Magic user? How dare he plan lessons all because of who I am? It's like he wants people to purposefully find out who I am.

I need to get out of here.

Hermione caught my arm before I could escape. "Are you alright, Hope?"

No. I am not alright. I want to murder Snape in ten different ways.

I know at least 20 different ways without anyone knowing.

Shut up voices. I do not need this right now.

"Yes. No. Not exactly how I wanted to announce that I'm a Coven witch but... it's over with." I ignored the voice and replied to Hermione. On the outside I was calm and collected. But on the inside? I am ready to explode.

"Snape's a dick. Always has been, always will be." Harry said, nudging my shoulder with his.

"Yeah...I'll see you all later?" I waved goodbye to the Gryffindor's and headed towards the common room.

I needed to scream into my pillow.

"Hope Marshall!" Magnolia's arm looped through mine as she caught up to me. "How dare you not tell me about Natural Magic!"

"Wasn't exactly on my agenda for anyone to know."

"Oh. You know I wouldn't have told anyone right? You can trust me."

I pulled us to a stop to see the utter sadness on her face. She's my best friend and I'm keeping the biggest secret ever from her.

"Mags. Of course, I trust you. You were honestly going to be the first person I told, and I would have. It's just safer if no-one knew."

"And now that's ruined."


We walked into the common room and stopped short at seeing the huddle going on in the middle of the room. A group of students were crowded round and talking to each other. And at the middle stood Pansy Parkinson.

This would not be good.

They all slowly turned our way as they realised that we had made an appearance. Their whispering came to a halt.

"Well, if it isn't miss powerful." Pansy remarked taking front and center.

"Finally realised I'm more competent, have you?" I snarked back.

Pansy's hand tightened round her wand. "It's becoming more and more obvious that you don't belong here, mudblood."

I laughed. "Find a new insult Pansy, it's getting old."

She raised her wand higher. "We don't want your puny magic anywhere near us."

"Puny? You haven't seen the half of my magic." It seemed the Hollow agreed as the veins on my arms and turned black and I could feel the anger roaring. "I could kill you with the snap of my fingers Pansy Parkinson. No wand, no spells. So do not fucking test me." I warned, taking a step closer.

She looked me up and down before she took a step forward. "With a snap of your finger? You're hilarious, Marshall. You couldn't beat me in a duel if you even tried. Your muddy blood wouldn't let you win. Your mother would be very disappointed, oh wait, she's dead."

A wave of blue magic left my body and shot straight towards Pansy, throwing her off her feet and onto the ground. I couldn't have stopped it even if I tried. The Hollow reacted in my anger. It yearned for it, the chance to escape and cause havoc.

Shit. Shit. SHIT.

Shouting rang out throughout the room as they stepped back further and further away from me.

I stormed towards my dorm and the path cleared immediately. Once in my room another wave flared out, knocking items off of bedside tables and pillows from our beds.

I had to share a room with that witch.

I let out a scream and pulled at the ends of my hair. I was in deep shit. I had attacked Pansy. I am so going to get expelled for this.

"I expected better from you."

I froze. That was not possible. He couldn't be here. Turning around, my eyes widened at seeing my dad leaning against the wardrobe.

"You're not real." I whispered.

"Aren't I?" He stepped forward and ran his finger down my cheek. "This certainly feels real, Little Wolf."

I choked on my sob.

"You should have snapped that witch's neck. But after you had drawn out her suffering. Did I not teach you better?"

My spine straightened. "No. I shouldn't have hurt her at all."

"Are you not a Mikaelson? When did we start letting people belittle us, mock us?"

"You're not real." My eyes narrowed. "My dad would never say these things to me."

"Wouldn't I? Should I not teach my daughter how to stand up for herself."

I started pacing in front of...whatever that is. "This is not happening. You are not real. You're just a figment of my imagination."

"Little wolf, don't you believe me?"

"Don't call me that!" I snapped and pointed my finger at him.

"Why not? Isn't it my nickname for you?"

"Just stop! You're not him!"

I faced away from him and tried to control my breathing. I am losing. I am officially losing it.

"The witch was right. Your mother would be disappointed. Disappointed that you're a weakness in this family."

My eyes narrowed into slits as I faced him again.

"It's because of you she's dead."

That was it. He just had to say those damn words. One second I was on the other side of the room and the next I had my hands wrapped around his throat.

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