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Tom, Aliyah and I walk into the college we were looking at for Aliyah, we figured it being a Sunday we could pick out some colleges for her and go tour them.

"Okay, this one seems like a good campus." I say analyzing the building. "Let's see then." Aliyah hops out the car, I get out after Tom, walking in with her.

We start to tour the campus, seeing all the clubs and the delta shit, I never understood that, that much.

All those girls were so annoying in college.

I hold Tom's hand, swinging it back and fourth. "Can you stop being lovey, people are gonna think you're my parents. That's embarrassing." Aliyah looks back to us.

"We're just holding hands." Tom lifts my hand up.

"Yeah and the looks you're exchanging is giving fuck me till you can't walk, so stop it." She says. "Attitude." Tom scoffs. "You do realize we're still your teachers." I laugh, extending one of my fingers out of Tom's grip.

"Still doesn't mean you're not eye-fucking" She shrugs. "Okay miss gay boyfriend." Tom remarks.

Aliyah suddenly turns her back. "You know he got a boyfriend now!" She yells, in shock. "Well that escalated quick." I say under my breath.

"Loser." Tom laughs. "Yeah, okay that's why you didn't pull out in time!" Aliyah snickers before turning her back again and walking faster. Oh dear.

"Can we send her back to her house." Tom sends daggers at Aliyah through his eyes.

"She's just a kid Tom, leave her be." I laugh.

"An evil one that's for sure." He says through his teeth, sipping on his water. They truly were like brother and sister it was funny. "Ah shit." Tom says.

He had spilt water on his tank top, making it see through. "Wait, i'm hungry!" Aliyah yells turning around running back to us.

"Oh damn." She says looking Tom up and down.

He squints at his tank top, rubbing it in. Making everything worse. "Stop it you're making it worse." Tom takes his shirt off, hitting it against his thigh trying to dry it off. All the college girls start giggling, staring at us.

"Okay, you've shown off enough put your shirt back on." Aliyah slaps his back harshly. "Tom people are staring put it back on." I say sternly.

"What you jealous?" Tom smirks at me before looking the college girls up and down, sending them a bright smile, nodding their way. I'm gonna fuck him.

Not in the good way.

I take his shirt, squeezing it over his head, before handing it back to him. "It's dry now." I scoff.

"What the fuck!" Tom yells. "It's dry is it not?" I ask, what was he now into school girls? "Why would you do that." Tom looks to me confused, putting his shirt back on. "Oh no reason!" I say sarcastically.

One of the girls taps on Tom's shoulder, I look to Aliyah, who's glaring him up and down. The same exact way I was, even she knew this was wrong.

He's doing that look at her, the look where he plays with his lip piercing when he's interested in something or someone, i'm actually gonna make him my next kill.

"Could I get your number?" She asks innocently, handing the phone to him. "I'm engaged." He replies. "So, she doesn't have to know." She shrugs.

Tom tugs on my hand, pulling me up closer.

"No, go ahead give your number to a college girl i'm okay with it go!" I pat on his back moving him closer to her. "Gia, stop." Tom says under his breath.

"By all means, fuck the woman child." I laugh, before walking away. I glare at him, taking his car keys.

I walk away with Aliyah, grabbing her hand. I was pissed. "Holy shit, Gi." She says turning her face to him before looking back to Tom's confused face.

I didn't care how he got home.

I hop into the drivers seat, as Aliyah gets in the passenger. I start the car driving off, I was leaving him their with all his little fangirls, sure he'd love that.

"Can you drop me off at Andrea's please." Aliyah asks buckling herself in. "Yeah sure." I shrug.


I had dropped Aliyah off, I had decided to go to Bill's because I was fucking pissed at Tom and when I was pissed at Tom i'd rant about it to Bill.

I walk into his house, shutting the door behind me.

"Bill!" I yell, taking my shoes off. "Yes?!" He yells emerging from his bedroom. "What's up?" He questions, I sigh plopping on the couch.

"My fiancé wants to fuck childern." I whine putting my hands on my face. "WHAT?!" Bill widens his eyes.

"Well, they're like 20. But still! Babies Bill, babies!" I start to flap my feet up and down.

"Okay explain to me what you mean." Bill laughs sitting on the opposite end of the couch. "We were looking at colleges for Aliyah and he spilt all his water on his tank top like a dumbass. Then he took it off and started giggling and staring at the girls who were picturing him with his clothes off!" I shout.

"So, punish him." Bill shrugs, I suddenly bolt up my body. "Punish him?" I ask.

"Yeah, like sex?" Bill says. "Oh?" I chuckle.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Gia, just don't tell me the details." Bill puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I think I have an idea! Bye Bill, thanks!" I put my shoes on rushing out the door.

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