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CW: smut.

I walk into Tom and I's bedroom, opening the door gently. I hoped he had been asleep because I didn't want anything ruining this.

I had everything all planned out.

I closed the door behind me, I saw Tom's spread-out body on the bed. I walk over to the closet, fishing the stuff I had bought out of my bag. I bought a lot of things that's for sure...

I strip off the clothes I had on before, putting on the schoolgirl costume I had bought. If that's what he was looking for, I guess I'd just have to dress up like that. It was black and leathery, it came with a super short mini-skirt. It would rise halfway up my ass.

Which was what I was aiming for honestly.

I grab the handcuffs swinging them around my fingers I walk over to Tom grabbing his wrist, I hook him up to the bed, I notice his eyes slowly start to flutter open. His brows furrow as he looks to me. "What are you doing?" He asks confused, looking me up and down.

"Behave" I reply, simply.

I walk back over to the closet, grabbing my whip, I toy with it with my fingers going back to Tom. "Gia." Tom says sternly, shifting up his position. "Don't talk or I'm gonna have to duck tape your mouth shut." Tom starts to snicker, plastering that smirk back onto his face.

"What you think this is a good thing? This is a punishment, don't enjoy it." I shake my head.

"What about Aliyah?" He asks. "Sleepover at a friend's, don't worry about it," I respond climbing onto his lap. "Isn't it a Sunday?" Tom tilts his head. "I said, don't talk. Or you'll lose speaking privileges." I say with a bitchy tone.

I start to strip him free of his clothing, leaving him completely naked on the bed. I climb up his body, my bare pussy rubbing up against his abs and chest as I move my way onto his face.

I hover myself over Tom's mouth positioning myself correctly. "I don't wanna hear any complaints out of you tonight this is my night Tom." I sit fully on his face, I felt his tongue emerge into me, gliding it up and down my slit. "Oh!" I yell out.

Tom starts to make shapes with his tongue, almost as if he was marking himself against me.

I start to move myself back and forth, riding his mouth. I slap his thigh with my whip, his body jolts back but starts to make out with my clit even harder, sucking it with such delicacy but also roughness. "Fuck!" I moan, hitting him with my whip again.

"Hmm." I heard Tom's whiny hum of pain, muffled.

His tongue moves from my clit all the way down to my entrance, entering into me. "Yes, yes fuck." I whisper, breathily.

Tom shifts his tongue in and out of me, flicking it against my clit every time he exits.

"Daddy Kaulitz!" I moan.

Tom retracts his tongue, beginning to make small kisses against my parts. I hover over him slightly, feeling his hot breath hit the wetness of my pussy sending a sudden shudder throughout my body.

He swirls his tongue all around, outlining everything. "MM!" I shriek.

I place my hands on his thigh, gliding my body down his. My ass propped up against his mouth I start to play with his dick, rubbing it up and down before practically shoving it down my throat.

I wanted to gag on him, how sad my gag reflex ended up disappearing after a while.

"Gigi." Tom groans, before placing his tongue back onto my wet pussy, the ruffles of my skirt covering his eyes, I felt his eyelashes slightly flutter against my ass cheeks, giving me goosebumps at the feeling.

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