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I stand outside Mr Sanders office door holding my breath I knock.

"Come in" his dark voice vibrates through me as I open the door stepping through, he looks up at me staring me down as he leans back in his chair the shirt tightening around his flexing muscles I feel my face getting hot.
"Mr Sanders" I mumbled "I need help with the assignment we did in class today" I said looking down at my black skirt

"Is that all you need help with I know your failing my class to" I look up at him to see him smirking I know exactly what he's doing and I don't mind it.

"Yes,  I need some extra credit too" I say more confidently
"Good, come here" without a second thought I make my way in front of him he looks me up and down smirking

"Bend over" he said pointing to his desk I blush but bend over his desk my short skirt revealed my red laced panties.

I felt his hands on my ass massaging it slowly before he stands up and presses his dick onto my clothes clit. A whimper leaves my mouth. I hear a deep chuckle from him as his hands run up my sides grabbing my boobs freeing them from my uniform. My nipples were hard and looking for attention as he flipped me on his desk so he could see my face.

As I'm sitting on his desk his hand unclasps my bra letting it fall to my lap without seconds he attackeds my chest his tongue swirling around my nipple nipping at it softly before flattening it. My head bents back as a soft moan comes out of my lips he lifts his head and grabs my chin sticking his tongue in my mouth as he kisses me, I moan into his mouth we separat to catch our breath

"I can't wait any longer" Mr Sanders said before ripping off my panties.

"Fuck, your so wet for me" he groaned as his finger swirled through my pussy.

I watch him as he sits down his face inches away from my pussy he opens his mouth and blows air on my clit, I moan closing my eyes

"Open your eyes, your eyes stay open am I clear" i opened my eyes looking down at him

"Yes sir" I said spreading my legs farther apart "good girl" he said before his lips attack my clit stuckingbit between his lips nipping at the sensitive nerves I moaned unable to close my eyes and just watch what he was doing his tongue flatten on me my hips bluckled his tongue found my entrance sticking it in he curled it in load moans were coming from me the papers on his desk getting knocked down I griped the edges of the desk. He took two fingers and stuck them into me slowly and painfully he moved fast I felt them massaging my walls as I clinched around him he moved fast hitting my g-spot over and over giving me no chance to react as my orgasm squirted on his fingers. I moaned as my legs shook.

"Good girl"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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