
113 6 48


Age: 77

Physical Age: 25

Birthday: October 24

Siblings: NATO (73) and WHO (74), L̴͔̖͈͙̬͙̲̙̖͇͖̤͖̉̾̆̔͌̒̀̂̐̿̇̓͝ͅO̷͎͈̯̬͈̩͍͚̙͈͔̹͙̓̋̀͒͂ͅN̸̛̩͙̻̥̅̄͑͆͊̋̿͆͊͆́̈́͜͠ ̸̨̧͙͚̠͕̰͇̳̲̣̮̓̀͆͊̄̅͑̌̎̇̏̚͝͝(̸̢̤̠̗̮͚̩̜̄̈́̑̈́͜1̸̨̛̪͎̺̤̯̤̮̩̳̟̠̪͗̃͗͒̎̍̆̄́͛̽̈̅0̴̟̤̼̬̬̗̜̯̯͌̀̈́̀́͑̎̃̃̔̔̀̈́͠2̸̢̡̙̰̝͙̔̔̾̀̌̂̕͝ͅ)̵͓͕̻̖̗͙̝̖̇̂̐, and the states

Pets: A male Samoyed dog named cloud and white cat named Snowflake

Favorite color: All pastel colors and white

Parents: America

Likes: EU, cuddles, his dog, pastels, gentle rain, sweets, EU, the sound of a fire crackling as I sit on the couch with my dog and with some hot chocolate with a blanket around me, EU di-, the peaceful silence right before a meeting or a fight breaks out, EU, comfy clothes, oversized hoodies and sweaters, soft plushies, hugs, EU

Dislikes: Loud meetings, rude people, racism, homophobia, when people are mad at me, violence, swearing, FBI's creepy behavior, animal abusers, global warming, war, Soviet Union, any type of abuse, when people think he's a girl, being told what to do and wear by random people, being yelled at, crying in front of people he doesn't know, having a lot of work to do, molting season

Body type and like other features of their body or something: kind of scrawny and tall. He is 6,5 but is built like a stick with only a little bit of curve. Fluffy blue and white hair, his hair is blue on top fading into white. Light blue eyes, tealish blush because white blush is hard to do. The little wreath-like thing on his symbol is the same pattern on his arms where it looks like leafy vines wrapping around his arms, white blood

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 6,5

Powers: white spikes



Age: 29

Physical Age: 25

Birthday: November 1

Siblings: none

Pets: Cloud the Samoyed and Snowflake the cat

Favorite color: Blue, black, gold, white, green

Parents: Germany and Poland (gerpol, that's why Poland is here)

Likes: UN, stars, dogs, cats, the dark, a starry night sky, men, his parents, his friends, rain, his birthday, quietness, when UN is happy, cooking, cooking with UN, cuddling with UN, being near UN, being alone sometimes, being out of school, his motorcycle

Dislikes: FBI, annoying people, being scared, when UN is scared, when someone hurts his friends and family, bullies, his high school, his grandpa for obvious reasons, people who call him a n@z1, politics, abusers, annoying children

Body type and other features of their body or something: slim and muscular with completely black eyes and yellow star pupils. He has a halo of stars around his head, short hair but has recently been growing it out and its blue fading into yellow, yellow blush, gold blood

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 6,7

Powers: stars



Age: 55

Physical Age: 25

Birthday: August 8

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