No Ones POV:
it was a random day at school and Gianna had gym class and that day they started the biking unit. The bell rang after the first period as she walked to the other side of the school to the gymnasium.
As she walked into the gymnasium she set down her backpack and laptop case down on the bleachers and took off her hoodie and set it down on top of her bag. She stood by her stuff and waited for her friend, lily, to enter the gym. (imma just call her lily since i dont wanna say her actual name)
She smiled and ran to lily, which she only had gym with because lily was an 8th grader and Gianna was a 7th grader. They had a little conversation before the teacher started the warm-up which went by surprisingly fast. After the warm up the 2 gym teachers asked by a show of hands who wanted to do biking, and who wanted to do soccer and football. Almost 10 people raised there hand for biking and Gianna was one of them despite her history of falling off bikes.
The second teacher took the students who wanted to go biking outside and then got everyone a bike and helmet which took a few minutes, they then got into a line on the bikes and started riding the bikes around the school.
about 3/4s of the way around the school they had to past by some cars, and Gianna with her SHIT ASS FUCKING STEERING got a bit to close to a random ass car which her immediate reaction was to brake which made the bike fully stop in place after going fast making it do A FUCKING FLIP with Gianna on it as she fell onto the pavement, the bike landing on top of her, saying "shit" was her first reaction before pushing the bike off herself and getting up.
The teacher sent her back inside, bringing the back with her to put away as she went inside, she put the bike back and walked back into the gym. The other teacher asked what happened and she just said she fell of the bike and the other teacher sent her back in and the teacher just let her sit on the bleachers for the last few minutes there was left of class.

Gianna x The Ground
Humorthis story was recommended by my bestie bc I fall too much