10. | 𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚎 |

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Tuuu tuuuu tuuuu

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Tuuu tuuuu tuuuu

Today's view
🍂 Grab her by the throat
Kiss the fuck outta her and say
You know you're mine right.?🍂

°°Let's start °°


Author's Pov


Veer said incircling his hand around her Waist pulling her backward, but she didn't pay a bit attention towards his words or him cuz all her attention was captured by that pond in fornt of her. Tears were collected in her eyes making them shine in amazement and blissfulness.

She was out of words by everything she is seeing from past 15 mins, that tress full of her pic's which she also not remember she took, the route filled with lights around by which she came and now this pond they were just like she has imagined her first date, This was FUCKING SAME.

Hearing no response from her he truned her around only to let panic took over his face fading away that little of smile. Cupping her face in his big hand he made her look upwards in his eyes, his heart arched seeing those beautiful doe eyes completely coved with sheet of tears.

"What happed baby, did you not like this, is their something which upset you, tell me baby what happened why you are crying" he asked continuously wipping her tears of her cheeks. Seeing him being panic she shook her head a little and smile taking his one hand in her she gently rubbed pad of her soft thumb on top of his big rough hand and said

"Happy tears veer, they are happy tears. I am so overwhelmed that they itself came out, don't panic I'm okay"

Peace. That what he felt after hearing her without thinking twice he took her in his arms hugging tightly close to his heart, rubbing his back in smoothing manner she said with a little laugh

"Come on veer if anyone else have seen your this look then I'm sure they would have got heart attack" he smiled and came little down towards her ears

"Only you. Only you have right to see me like this and only you can, my bunny girl" and kissed her earlobe lightly sending shiver down her spines cuz of which she hold him tightly making him chuckle.

Only me. What he meant by only me.

"Come on first fill you little tummy, its pretty late" he said broking the hug and took hold of her right hand going towards the pond. Stopping at the edge of pond he looked back at her.

"Carefully take step's and walk slowly" he instructed her and kept his feet on first tile. Yes tile in pond. Whole pond was decorated with lamb's which were kept on white slab like thing and the place where they are standing from their some white tiles are present to take them in center where dinner table is set up whole graced with flowers and small lambs, candels. Whole view was giving a very romantic look just like i wanted

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