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Tom sits in the student desk, as I fix up my final touches on the slides. "We made it!" Andrea says tiredly. "You stayed up all night didn't you?"

"Yes, Genie we did." Aliyah laughs.

"I didn't get much sleep either." Tom looks into his bag of Doritos, grabbing another one.

He looks up to see Aliyah looking him up and down. "What?" Tom says in confusion. "Why is he here."

"He's, earned his forgiveness." I clear my throat, ruffling some papers.

"Mhm." Aliyah says, side-eying Tom. "Do you know something I don't?" Andrea laughs. "I know a bunch of things you don't, sadly. Things I wish I didn't know." Aliyah sighs, crossing her feet.

"Like what?" Andrea asks, Aliyah raises her brows. Whispering something in Andrea's ear. "Really!?" Andrea says shocked, Aliyah nods, snickering.

"Stop sharing my secrets, or i'll prevent you from getting your diploma." Tom says.

"You don't have the power!" Aliyah throws her hands up. "I have all the power, just a couple calls and I can prevent you from graduating." Tom waves his phone at Aliyah. "You're such a cunt!" Aliyah groans.

I could see Tom's jaw clench, oh god he was mad.

"Tom." I say standing up of my chair, he doesn't respond licking his teeth. His fists fall to his side becoming clenched, please don't say anything.

Please don't say anything Tom, hold it in.

I saw him open his mouth to talk, before closing it. He starts to shake his head laughing. "I gotta piss." He says getting up out of the student desk.

He opens the door, slamming it shut.

"Jesus fuck." Aliyah says, jolting her body up. "Don't get him mad, it's not a good look." I scrunch my brows at her. "Miss, is he always like that?" Andrea asks.

"No." I reply simply. "I was literally just joking, he didn't have to go all beast mode." She laughs.

"I'm gonna go check on him, behave." I point to the both of them, leaving the classroom, I could see Tom all the way down the all. Hands on his head and his knees up, his elbows slightly popped up on them.

I walk down the halls, sliding down next to him.

"Hii." I smile, looking at him. "Helloo." He says back. "Are mad about that? She was just kidding." I reply.

"You know I can't help it." Tom scoffs, laughing a bit. "Wanna feel something that'll make you feel better?" My hands lift his. "Sure why not." Tom sighs.

I bite my lower lip, taking his hand I place it on my lower stomach. Keeping it there for a minute. "How's that feel baby?" I smile toothily.

"Is that the baby kicking?" Tom asks, I nod grinning. "And you didn't tell me?" He tilts his head slightly at me. "I just started feeling it this morning, I thought it was just my stomach churning but it's not."

Tom takes a deep breath in, grabbing my hand he places repeated kisses on it. "Okay I think i'm good now." Tom stands up putting his hand out.

I take his hand going back into the classroom.


"Okay so last week we worked on the bouquets, so this week we're gonna-" I get cut off by the announcements they always made a sound when they would come on. I wait patiently for it to go off before speaking again.

"Mr. Kaulitz and Miss Marino, please report to the administrator's office, thank you." I hear her say before the announcement went off again.

I look over to Tom, furrowing my brows. "Let me call in Mrs. Rogers to fill in for me." I say, walking over to her room, I knock on her door twice before she answers it. "Could you watch over my class please?"

"Oh, sure honey." She smiles, I walk with her back into the class, waving Tom over. He quickly gets up and we start walking to the office, I wonder what was going on.

"What do you think happened?" Tom asks.

"No idea." I shrug, walking all the way down. Tom knocks on the door. "Come in." I hear the administrator say, muffled. We walk in, seeing officers camped out, on both back corners of his office.

Tom and I enter the room, sitting down on the chairs placed in-front of his desk.

"So, i've had a complaint from a student." He leans against the desk crossing his arms. "And, i'm afraid if this is true, you will not have a position here anymore." He follows up.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking to Tom. Worriedly.

"A student, Brian O'Connor. He said he saw you two at illegal street racing, also claimed and I quote. "I saw Miss Marino shoot someone through the window."

"Same Brian O'Connor I caught snorting coke in the guys restroom?" Tom tilts his head, laughing.

"Are you positive on that statement, Mr. Kaulitz? This could lead to father accusations." He looks to the officers on both sides of him. "Yes, I am positive."

The administrator presses on the intercom.

"Brian O'connor please report to the administration office, thank you." He says before turning back to us. "Even so, if we do catch something on him, we'll still need to be in further investigation." He says.

"Oh, sure, no problem." Tom smiles innocently. I sit there dumbfounded of the situation.

"Please, wait outside." He points to the door, Tom and I walk out, waiting in the hallway.

I glide down the lockers, they slightly shudder as I put my head in my knees as I wait. Tom slides down next to me. "Is that true, did you really find him snorting coke?" I ask. "Nope, but it buys us some time."

Tom pulls his phone out, texting somebody. I look over his phone, looking at what he was saying.

"I have an issue, my wife Gia is being accused of shooting Henry, make it go away." He texts the unknown contact, before deleting the whole conversation.

I could see Brian, going into the office looking us up and down. I could see Tom slightly lean over the window looking in. "Holy shit Gia." Tom covers his mouth, with his hand. Sitting back down.

"What? What is it?" I ask.

"They've pulled so many tiny bags of powder and weed from his bag, I was literally bullshitting!" Tom snorts.

"You think he's a dealer?" Tom shrugs. "He's got to be, no one carries that much for themselves." He says.

"Let's just wait and see what happens then." I sigh.

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