"It Started With A Lamp"

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Lisa had her two friends Jasmine and Angel. The three were the best of friends. But things started to get tougher when they began 10th Grade. They were supposed to be going on a field Trip today somewhere In Europe. They have many ancient things left behind from generations to generations to explore and examine in museums and such. Lisa didn't understand why Angel and Jasmine wanted to go so badly to this field trip Nothing that was history interested Lisa but Angel and Jasmine were total braniacs. When it comes to learning. If there was also another thing Lisa found ridiculous other then history was some silly old fairy tales that Angel and Jasmine would tell her. For example Witches, Vampires, Royalty All sorts of stuff like that. She didn't care much for it. She didn't like it either. She just thought it was all a waste of time and. A waste to even think about such nonsense.. let's begin this Magical Journey shall we? It may just show Lisa.. what the dreams of fantasies can really behold Lisa finished packing her lunch for the field trip she waved goodbye to her grandma and grandpa and then headed towards the bus that was taking them there it was only a 2 hour ride because it wasn't far from where Lisa and her School was. Jasmine and Angel sat with her in the back. Jasmine eagerly smiled "I can't believe we're going to Europe! It's like the best place for history sports and lessons" Lisa didn't seem amused and just sighed. Angel giggled "Come on Jasmine you know she isn't interested in that stuff like me and you are. Besides maybe Lisa will actually embrace the stuff there. You never know!" She nudged at Lisa. Lisa gave her a Eyeroll Just then Mrs James cleared her throat and held her clipboard to her chest "Alright everyone I want a single file line we've arrived at Europes biggest museum Built. Ever in the history of this entire country please walk slowly off the bus and leave your lunches with This lovely man right here." She pointed to the Sweet man Dyeon Awkwardly smiled "H-hello there kids. I'm Dyeon. I'll be taking your lunches to the fridge until it's time for your lunch break just hand them to me." Everyone handed their lunches to Dyeon and Dyeon carried everything inside to the fridge, Mrs James walked inside and every student followed behind her. They made their way through the Pottery collection. Art Hall. And Statue Hall. But while they were going to their next stop Lisa was distracted by another sight she had seen. It was a cave. Which was strange because it didn't seem like any ordinary cave which is why Lisa was intrigued and confused why it was just there. Jasmine and Angel catched Lisa not paying attention Angel looked over at her and then said "Lisa I know this is boring to you.. but you need this for in case we have a class or work about these things." Jasmine Nodded "How do you expect to ace the test about the museum? If you don't pay attention!" Lisa snapped out of it "Wait did you say test? On this? Ugh forget it.. you Two go on right ahead. I'm gonna check out something else" Jasmine and Angel looked at each other sarcastically. Then looked back at Lisa and said "No." At the same time They each grabbed one side of her arm and started walking with her Lisa screamed in irritation "Let me go.. I wanna see something else I won't ask again you either let me go now or else!" Jasmine and Angel sighed then Jasmine Said "Just stop fighting Lisa The tour Is almost over anyways we just have 2 more places to see and then it's lunch break after lunch we have to study for the museum test. And then take the test. After the test we use the money we got from our parents to buy something from the souvenir shop. Which is pretty cheap but there's so many cool things!" Angel nodded and smiled "Yes so many I'm sure you'll find something else you like there" Lisa just looked at the ground then she thought to herself (Well if their eating lunch and I already finish mine.. or just eat half I can explore that cave without them being on my case.) Lisa fake smiled. "Ohh sure.. that's nice" Jasmine and Angel Both giggle Lisa looked at them "And what's so funny?" Angel giggled even more and then Jasmine said "It's just you! Your so silly Lisa. You actually are gonna do something important for once?" She giggled even louder with Angel. Then Angel tried not to laugh and said "..Ha ha.. AHA. Aha sorry.. haha um. It's just so Unserious of you to actually want to do something me and Angel want that's historical especially a souvenir shop" they started laughing more and more. Just then Mrs James walked to them She had a angry Glare. "Shhh." She said. Lisa smirked "Oops guess you shouldn't have been too loud then." She yawned. Jasmine and Angel gave Lisa a Glare then a Eyeroll Mrs James told everyone the Tour was over and that it was time for lunch break. And to make sure to be ready for the museum test. And that they will study for only a few minutes. Since everyone should've been paying attention. But will be able to have at least 10 minutes to study since there's only 21 questions. And their all easy from the tour. Their not that hard. Everyone gets their lunches from Dyeon. And sits at a table and eats with their friends. Jasmine and Angel are busy doing a Egyptian card game to pay attention to Lisa at the moment she was free from their grasp for now so she stood up and walked quietly to the trash can and pretended to be throwing away scraps from lunch. She didn't eat much only a bite of her apple 2 apple slices and she barely drank her juice she had a sandwich and yogurt too but she made sure. No one saw she then zipped her lunch bag back up and put it back on the bus in het seat quietly then she snuck around the lunch table area. And hurried back into the museum and took the same path that lead her and the class to the place she seen the cave she heard Dyeon coming so she immediately ran and before she knew it she fell inside the strange cave. There were so many crystals surrounding her then all of a sudden she noticed something that wasn't a crystal it was more like a golden treasure and it looked super beautiful. So she picked it up But she was disappointed to see how its just a lamp. Although she did want a souvenir that was cooler then the ones at that boring shop. So she took it with her. She hid it in her backpack and then put it in her seat on the bus with her lunch bag. And then hurried back to the Lunch table area. Jasmine and Angel walked to Lisa Jasmine grabbed Lisa's hand and Angel sat her down. Lisa looked at them and smiled awkwardly Angel screamed at her "Where have you been! Mrs James was questioning us every 5 minutes. Asking us where you were!" Jasmine grabbed her by the ear "Did you even eat lunch? We didn't see you! We thought something happened." Lisa smiled "Relax I just went to get a couple things.." Jasmine looked at her Angel sighed "Whatever you say. But hey you were gone for so long the Museum test is finished.. so like your gonna have to do yours in like 3 minutes now. Because the timer on Mrs James clock is running out. You really should've stayed here Lisa.." Jasmine Nodded Lisa spoke up "The thing is I'm not doing the test. Because I don't care" Jasmine and Angel looked back at her and just accepted Lisa wasn't gonna do it. They sat back down and Mrs James Timer went up. Mrs James calmly said "Alright everyone that's it. Tests need to be turned in immediately. That'll be all for now. Lets go ahead and purchase some things from that souvenir shop" everyone giggled and walked to the shop Lisa looked around and around But the Lamp was definitely better..Lisa tapped Mrs James shoulder She turned around and Smiled kneeling to her level "Yes sweetheart? What can I do for you" Lisa gave her a glare then said "So like if I find a ancient thing that's not from the shop can I take it as a souvenir?" Mrs James laughed "Nice joke for a minute I thought you were serious about historical things. Lisa." Lisa looked at her in a frozen heart-like Gaze. Then said softly. "No. I'm serious can I or not just answer" Mrs James thought and then said "Well I suppose it's okay.. but just don't get anything else. If you do perhaps want anything go to the actual souvenir shop." She smiled. Lisa Fake smiled back. Then she went back on the bus and waited for everyone and everybody eventually got on and the bus drove off Mrs James walked to Lisa "..Lisa I noticed you didn't turn in your test come to think of it I didn't even see you at lunch the only time i saw you was about your strange souvenir you wanted" Jasmine Said "Im so sorry Mrs James.. we tried to help her get the test done" Angel freaked out a bit "But she said she wasnt gonna take the test because she didn't care" Mrs James smiled "Oh yes I know.. I know she was gonna do that. It's only natural. And besides I'm pretty sure she's still upset about the engagement with me and her dad. She isn't exactly ready for a mom figure. But I'm still trying with her.." Mrs James sighed. Jasmine and Angel looked down. Then at Lisa. Lisa shouted "My father doesn't need a wife and I don't need a mother." Mrs James smiled warmly and then softly patted Lisa's head. "See Jasmine and Angel it's all about patience.." she stroked Lisa's head. Lisa felt sleepy. And then she fell asleep in Mrs James arms, Mrs James gently picked Lisa up and placed her in the back on a bus seat to herself and put her lunch bag and backpack up front. With her to keep it safe. Jasmine and Angel shrugged at each other. Then everyone arrived back at school. Mrs James helped everyone pack up and go home then she Took Lisa's Backpack and Lunch bag and put it inside her car and then Put Lisa inside and Buckled her up she shut the car door got in the driver's seat and drove home when she arrived home she placed Lisa in her room and put her stuff in her room shut the door and Sat at the Kitchen Table sipping some warm tea before bed. Vion suddenly woke up and rubbed his eyes and walked to The Kitchen and Seen Mrs James. "..O-oh" he yawned. "Hello Lola.. my Darling soon to be wife I'm guessing the field trip went well?" Lola (Aka Mrs James nodded) "..Yes it did. But you know how Lisa is. And she had to take a nap.. so I soothed her a bit with some gentle parenting. Vion smiled. Then the two also headed to bed. The next day Lisa woke up and she felt like she was forgetting something and that was the Lamp. She hopped down from her bed and then opened her backpack and grabbed the lamp. She noticed it was kind of dirty from how ancient it was. So she rubbed the lamp 3 times. But then all of a sudden.. some golden pollen or dust. Or maybe even sparkles.. started falling from the lamp. Lisa backed up. And then a Genie-Like figure appeared. In a Girl form.. little did Lisa know that it wasn't a Genie who she summoned now.. but a Jin. A wicked version of a Genie. The Jin Slowly floated towards Lisa. And grinned "And what mortal summons the Great Niyani. The Jin of Absolute Midnight. And Frights..at such a boring time of day." Lisa looked at her then laughed "Is this some kind of prank right now. This is ridiculous. Very funny.. I'll be getting ready now.." Niyani slammed the door shut with her dark magic. Purple like flames glowed between her hands. Then they vanished. "I'm not letting you go anywhere.. I am Niyani the Jin. Or basically a Wicked Genie. I'm the Jin of Midnights and Frights. Bringing terrible screams wherever I roam. You seem to not know me though..strange because I am from Old Egypt times.." She smiled then stared at Lisa some more."You seem to also have a wicked heart within you.. if you can allow me. To grant you 3 wishes.. only 3. I may reconsider.. possessing your body. Normally I would. Do that to whoever summons me.. but I sense amazing power in you. You may be a foolish mortal. But I believe you could be something big.. and a good offering or prize. So.. will you let me give you 3 wishes. Like I said I don't ever do this like ever so it's a big opportunity your missing answer and choose wisely the clock is ticking Darling." Lisa thought for a while and then said "..Alright 3 wishes then." Niyani grinned. "Perfect.. and after your 3 is granted. I shall help you become something more.. and maybe serve you as your new Evil Servant.." she laughed. Lisa looked around and then sighed.."..God what have I gotten myself into.."

And so.. it begins. Lisa and Niyani . A Mortal girl who may be more then just a mortal.. and a Jin. Which is basically a wicked Genie. Begin the fate between the two. And more dangerous adventures lie ahead. Stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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