Part 1

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At first, when it began, I didn't realize that the deaths happening over the last week had been related to someone having the same Death Note I did. Criminals - that's whom the mysterious Kira targeted. They all died from heart attacks.

As per the first rule, all it takes is forty seconds after one writes a name in the Notebook, and the person with that name dies for that very reason.

Meaning that Kira found out the criminal's names, wrote them in the Notebook, and waited. Whoever it is, he is aware that his deeds will go unpunished. As long as he has the Death Note in his hands no one can catch him and he is well aware of it, killing criminals every single day.

A madman. Does he even realize what he's doing? Who does he think he is? And why does he act so blatantly? Why does he intentionally let the world know what he's capable of?!

The power he got should never belong to an ordinary human. And even more so, it should never belong to a being who uses it to take people's lives in order to prolong his own.

It was wrong.

I'm was sitting in my chair, watching the evening news, when Urrius landed on the edge of the bed with a soft chuckle. I flinched habitually, watching the creature which was made almost solely of bones, chains and teeth, who grinned wickedly as he stared into the tv screen and fiddled with his knuckles.

- Someone got the edge on you," hissed the god of death, folding his wings.

- That's enough, Urrius," I muttered, tossing him the apple I bought the day before. He caught it deftly and ate it with delight. - More than fifty murders in the last week. No doubt about it," I said, and turned to Urrius. - Did you find the new Death Note and give it to someone?!

- Why would you think that? - he asked, squinting his bottomless and sly eyes.

- Only the Death Note is capable of such a thing! I refused to kill, so you found owner for another Notebook?! Answer me!

- I am not the only God of Death who has the Note," said Urrius, biting into an apple.

- There are more of your kind..." I whispered in dread. He nodded.

- Usually, people who found the Death Note used them discreetly, and then returned it to their former owners, but this Kira chose to act differently. He's not as dull and predictable as you are," Urrius said.

- Why do the Gods of Death give people their Death Notes?

- Mostly out of boredom... Our own world is beyond unbearable. The earth is much more interesting...

- You do not belong here! This is our home! - I snapped angrily. - And you will not get your Death Note back, unless you kill me, Urrius! In that case, you will give it to someone else!

The God of Death laughed, tossing the stump aside.

- You've gotten bolder since we first met, Haruka. What if I really do end up killing you?

- I wouldn't be afraid of you anyway," I said, turning my back to the screen and interlocking my fingers to steady my shivers. - You Gods of Death will never understand us, humans.

- You're right. Humans keep surprising me. Kira, after getting his hands on the Death Note, killed a lot of people and made the world aware of him. And you, after receiving my Death Note, did nothing. You understand that as long as the Death Note is empty, people will be safe, so you don't use it yourself and you don't give it back to me. You could have done what Kira did - to punish all the criminals, to slaughter your enemies, or to become rich and famous all over the world...But you chose to do nothing, and in the end the Death Note became useless in your hands. Unlike Kira, you don't let that power get the best of you.

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