Chapter 7

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The place where Vikram and Vishal were dropped off was just outside the village entrance. They were distracted during the helicopter ride and also during most of their bus ride. But now, they had the time to take in their surroundings.

Green fields surrounded one side of the road. The other side was the village entrance. The roads were clean but quite narrow. Some of the ones that went into the inner streets seemed to be just mud roads.

As they walked further inside, they took in more details.

There were giggling and laughing women going about their chores. They were all dressed in traditional attire. Even the men wore traditional attire. The kids played with each other or with wooden toys rather than videogames or remote-controlled cars.

Everyone noticed them, but only a man came forward. "Who are you?"

"Vikram and Vishal Reddy," Vikram replied. "We have come to seek jobs and would like to meet the village head."

The village man frowned at the soft yet demanding tone, but he didn't dare argue seeing the look on Vikram's face.

Vishal spoke to the man before other people decided to intervene. "What my brother means is that we would really appreciate it if you can help us find the house of Mr. Suryaprakash."

Immediately, the man's expression changed. "Oh. You're here for Mr. Suryaprakash. Why didn't you say so in the beginning? Come. I'll take you there."

The man chatted with them as they walked. He asked the same questions as the ticket collector had asked, and he received the same answers as what Vikram and Vishal had practiced. Soon, they arrived in front of a sprawling, old-fashioned two-story house that was beginning to show its age. "This is Mr. Suryaprakash's house," said the man.

Thanking him, Vikram and Vishal promised to meet up with the man soon.

Shrieks and yelling could be heard from inside. Vikram pushed open a large gate when a child came hurtling towards them from within the house. The small boy was being chased by a woman.

"Come back here!" she shouted.

"No! I know you'll hurt me!" the boy shouted.

The woman's eyes fell on Vikram. "Catch him!" she ordered. "Don't let him escape the gate!"

Vishal was highly amused by the look on his brother's face at the order. The woman was very pretty, and she was wearing similar traditional attire as the other women from the village had worn. Although, the material of the cloth seemed more expensive than what the other women wore. And on top of her dress, she was wearing a long, white coat.

Another man exited the house and followed behind the woman holding a box.

"Well?" the woman looked at Vikram and demanded. "Move! Time doesn't wait for anyone," she said.

That statement shocked Vishal, and he was sure his brother was taken aback too. It was a statement Vikram often used because their grandfather had taught them that while they were growing up.

Since his brother seemed too bemused to react, Vishal caught hold of the child. The boy squirmed in his arms. "Let me go! She's going to give me an injection!"

The pretty woman closed the distance between them. "Of course! Did I not warn you not to tease the puppies? Now that you have been bitten, you have to take the shots, or you'll fall very sick since they are not yet vaccinated."

"No! No!" the child in Vishal's arms wailed.

The woman turned to Vikram. "Here. Hold this," she said, handing a medium-sized medical kit.

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