Authors Note (IMPORTANT)

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In this story, I made up a parallel universe for a more interesting story. Here I will tell you everything about how this society works that is important to the story.

1). How pennies are created: In this universe, pennies are created in factories that mass produce them. They start out as a lump of copper, then they are heated up and pressed in a mold to get the shape. Then they are left to cool enough to be sturdy enough to maintain their shape. After that they are lifted by thongs held by employees and dunked into cold water to completely cool them down. Next they are put onto a conveyor belt to be brought into a giant chamber where a robotic scanner scans them to make sure that they are acceptable enough to be U.S. currency, creating a loud whirring sound in the process. After that they are put into barrels, which are put on trucks to be distributed throughout the country. This process is unimportant to the story, so I will not tell you about all of that.

2). How banks work: In this world, you can only deposit money if you have physical money, not checks, even though if you withdraw money you get a check. (I know, it doesn't make sense, right! This just has to be like this for the story to make sense.) When you deposit money, it is dropped into GIANT holes where the money is stored forever. (This is actually how I imagined banks working when I was little!) The only way for anything to get out of one of the holes would be if the bank is robbed.

3). How quitting a job works: If you wanted to quit your job, you would go to your boss and tell him/her that you wanted to quit. The boss would be in his/her office just waiting for someone to come in saying that they wanted to quit. (This is also how I imagined quitting a job when I was little.)

4). How sewers work: In this universe, sewers store you know what for years, and rely on flash floods to move stuff along. As the stuff moves along sewers, it moves into cleaner and cleaner chambers, and some stuff would simply disappear in a way that is unimportant to the story. In the cleanest areas, a species of fish that is only found in this world thrives. They are almost entirely one big digestive system. Their digestive system is so large that you could make them eat a golf ball, and they would never choke, even though they are only about a foot long! Some people go down into the sewers to catch and eat these fish. The fish are high in protein, which is why some people eat these fish.

5). How piggie banks work: In this universe, instead of piggie banks having a slit in the top and a hole with a stopper on the bottom, piggie banks have one hole in the top with a stopper. 

6). How cashiers boxes work: In this world, cashier boxes have a separate section for each individual piece of currency. When the money is ready to be deposited in a bank, the cashier box is brought to the drive-in at the bank, and all of the money is put into the little box thing and given to the bank worker. I know, this doesn't make sense either, but it makes the story better!  

That's it! There will still be some stuff that sounds off in this story, and I may have forgotten something, but you can go ahead and read the story now!

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