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A girl with poofy brown hair that looked just about six years old sat by the edge of a sand box. Her other friend wore a blonde ponytail, leaving her blue eyes untouched. The friend groaned as she stomped her foot impatiently.

"Ughhh! When is Marcy gonna get here! It's been foreverrr!"

The other girl looked at her friend, she seemed rather annoyed by her friend's behavior. Though she responded in an unbothered tone, like she was used to that so-called behavior, "Just give her time Sasha..."

The girl who was named Sasha had let out a humph, "I did! And it's felt like forever! This is the most boring way to start off your birthday Anne!"

Anne looked at Sasha for a bit. She seemed slightly angered. After all, Sasha was the one who dragged her away from the party her parents had prepared for her. She still felt incredibly bad. She knew that her family always went full out for her, but she wasn't there this time. All those preparations would go to waste. Anne felt her face redden with tears as she thought about the disappointment on her parents faces until a new voice joined the area.


Another child that appeared the same age as the other two had ran towards them before she tripped. Her black hair became a ruffled mess as her beads slipped off of the portion of her hair that was tied up. The other girls instantly ran to her.

"MARCY!" Anne panicked.

Sasha crouched down to help her up, "You okay?"
Marcy rubbed off some grass and dirt that got on her face before nodding, "MHMHM!! I'M JUST SO EXCITED!!!"

Anne went to get Marcy's hair beads while Sasha got curious about Marcy's energy, "Why are you the one that's more excited about the gift than Anne?"

Marcy was bouncing with joy, "Because it's a literal life changer! It's... grand..."

The other two blinked as she gave a hyper smile. Sasha crossed her arms, "Hm! Well... whatever you say!" She then proceeded to rub her hands together, "Now let's open this thing."

Marcy nodded, "Right!" She held out the box to Anne, trying to hand it to her, "Here ya go! Happy Birthday Anne!!!"

Anne looked at the box as she looked at each and every feature. It was primarily a black box, but it had a bunch of gold embedding. It seemed like an ancient treasure, like it was too precious and not to be touched. But Anne's eyes were mostly on the three stones on top of the box. They were each different colors. One was pink, one was green, and another was blue.

Anne's eyes were completely fixated on the box, "Woah..."

Marcy smiled, "It's fancier up close right?"

Anne hummed in agreement as she took the box, "It is... how did you even get it?"

"An antique store! It was just down the street actually..."

Sasha had raised an eyebrow, "Your parents really let you buy the box there and come here by yourself?"

Marcy affirmed, "Yup!"

Sasha was about to speak but Anne spoke over her, "Wow! That's so cool Marc! My parents can be strict sometimes..."

Marcy gave a small laugh, "Hahah... yeah..."
It was a little silent before Anne's footsteps trailed her over to a bench, where she sat down. The others followed, sitting beside her. Anne brushed her thumb against the box, smudging the dust away to reveal the box's shine. Anne could see her reflection in that shine. She looked at herself for a while before turning to her friends, "You guys ready?"

Sasha stuffed her hands in the pockets of her classic jean jacket, "Whenever you are."

Marcy beamed, "Yeah! Your call Anne!"

Anne smiled and looked back at the box, "Alright..."

With no other word, Anne opened the box, and a blinding light had consumed the three girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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