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It's 2 AM I am sitting at the airport wearing the sweater Franklin made for me on this birthday. It's blue and green in colour. Pretty!!, I whispered.

I don't know how the baby looks and I don't know who is 077. 

7 hours have passed by and I haven't even met the baby yet. Salvatore has been searching for the baby since long and Peter is keeping a check on the entrance. Would I be able to meet the baby? I asked myself.

6 hours later

077, Who could it be? this question was the only thing I could of think of which is difficult to answer.

Szazy? someone called.

I Turned to look at the person who called me.

Celia? I spoke and my eyes directly went to the baby she was holding.

Is this..., I spoke.

Yeah, Frank's kid, she said and gave me a very little life in my hands.

You have to take care of the baby Szazy and goodbye forever, Celia spoke.

You had the baby with you there in Mexico? even when I came there? and 077 is that you? I aked.

Yeah, but Frank gave me the baby 2 weeks after we met, I will have to go. No one knows I am here. I just had to give you the baby. I know you have alot many questions so I have already answered them in a letter which in the baby's bag, Celia said.

Thanks alot, I said.

Yeah Okay, she said and left.

Salvatore, I shouted.

Daisy? he came running.

Baby, I showed him the baby and I teared up.

Salavtore's POV

Baby, I whispered.

He is so beautiful, his little hands and toes. His eyes that are grey look so beautiful. Those little freckles are sooo......even though its  Franklin's child it doesnt matter....
He's beautiful.

We have to take him somewhere safe. I guess he is in danger, daisy spoke.

danger? I asked.

I remember now that the codewords were made My Me, Celia and Franklin.

077 is a codeword I and franklin made when we last met celia together. Celia got lost everytime we played so we called her 077 to make fun of her. 077 meant someone meant for getting lost. And lost meant never coming back.

088 is franklin, it meant the one who could never protect but atleast tried protecting. Whenever someone was in a problem like when we lived with Celia, he gave his best to help but he never could. Helpless person was the main thing Here.

9040 is cassandra I think like I heard someone using it. Like when she was about to burn my skin someone shouted 9040 don't, daisy spoke.

We have to protect the baby anyhow. We should send him to san francsico, I said.

Sure, I will go right away, daisy replied.

Not you, Peter will go, I said. 

Why? she asked.

Morgan needs her dad, I replied.

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