Chapter 2: Not A Young Man But A Great Soul (Part 2)

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Pundit Sugrivananda was considered skilled in removing 'ghost-obstacles' and driving away the demons and phantoms. A phantom had managed to pierce the security cover of the 'Sampurna Suraksha Yagya', therefore this time Beli Rama did not think of that Yagya again.

Shakuntala Devi said that there was no benefit from the inviting water, so after returning home, the hands of Beli Rama stopped moving toward the inviting water. Shakuntala Devi also chanted mantras that failed to give results too. So now Beli Rama could not do that either. He stood helpless.

Beli Rama's tension was increasing while Shakuntala Devi was crying continuously.

Krishna Chandra was also seeing and feeling the condition of both. He was cursing himself but the irony of the actuality was that he was the most helpless in the house at that time.

Three hours full of tension passed with great difficulty, only then Pundit Sugrivananda came to Beli Rama's home. He started his ritual without losing a single moment.

The ritual lasted two hours. Night came but there was no improvement in the condition of the young aacharya.

Sugrivananda contemplation for some time in the name of rest and after getting new material started another ritual.

Even after a few hours, he failed to provide relief to his young yajmaan.

"Pundit ji (Ji is a word that symbolizes respect), it seems to be a very powerful demon. Don't get me wrong, but... there is no other option than to perform a specific ritual from the soil of the crematorium." Sugrivananda hesitantly gave his opinion as advice.

There was clear hesitation in Sugrivananda's gesture but he was quite serious and concerned about the kid. Stunned Beli Rama understood everything.

"Say something..." Sugrivananda said as he was asking permission for the infamous cremation ground's rituals.

"Crematorium" These words came out of Beli Rama's mouth at that very moment.

He looked very scared. Pundit Sugrivananda expected a similar answer.

"Please do not be afraid, listen to me calmly. Pundit Ji, I know that you consider the cremation ground rituals to be wrong. Your thinking is also correct to some extent because some people use cremation grounds for sinful deeds. Yet it is the ultimate truth that God Bhole Shankar is called the Lord of the cremation ground. Is Rudra (another name for Bhole Shankar) a devil?... No, not at all... He puts the ashes of the pyre on his body. And don't forget Pundit Ji, Who am I? I am your friend Sugrivananda, not an evil tantric (a different kind of Pundit). We have been friends for so many years, why do you think I am indulging in wrongdoing?" Pundit Sugrivananda asked while explaining to the frightened father.

"I am sorry Pundit Ji, I didn't mean that. I know you very well. I have a lot of respect for you. I have no doubts about your actions and intentions, but the crematorium..."

"...But there is no time. Pundit Ji, just standing behind the wall of your ideals, do not ignore your sinless and helpless only putara. I have tried all my strength and you know very well that if I cannot do it no one else can do it. The frightening fact is that I too have this last resort. Crematorium soil is my last hope." Pundit Sugrivananda said while throwing light on the instanced situation.

Considering the gravity of the situation for a long time, Beli Rama, a firm believer in principles, finally abandoned his principles for the sake of his only son.

At midnight, Sugrivananda went to the cremation ground. He lit up a tiny homemade lamp made of normal clay soil. After worshiping Lord Shiva, he dug the cremation ground. Only then he did borrow crematorium soil from Load Shiva to treat an innocent kid.

A new ritual was performed in the courtyard using additional materials. This ritual went on till morning and failed miserably to give the desired results. Sugrivananda was in great shock.

After apologizing and taking a lot of embarrassment, the famous Pundit Ji fled from there.

Like Pundit Sugrivananda, Beli Rama was not one to give up. He devoted all his strength to saving his only child. Twenty-nine Pundits, vaidyas (doctors), Ojhas (another type of Pundit), and astrologers came in the next one hundred forty days. Seventy-two types of worship, rituals, and remedies were tried with different types of items, medicines, gems, and metals.

The Helpless father lost half his property, but nothing came to his hand.

By now Krishna Chandra had become as emotionless as a rock. Shakuntala Devi's tears dried up and finally, Beli Rama, who had tried every possible thing, also gave up.

With three people taking breaths, the house still seemed deserted. In such a situation, a monk came to this wilderness asking for alms. Surrounded by their sorrows, the three had forgotten civil manners.

Monk was shocked by this behavior.

Monk found that the people of that lime stone's Pucca house seemed like stone themselves. Just to wake them up, the monk wauled loudly.

Beli Rama apologized to the monk for his unintentionally inappropriate behavior. The monk smiled and asked about his condition. Just then neighbors came to his house.

Beli Rama narrated the whole situation. Remembering his lord, the monk asked for the child's horoscope.

Beli Rama gave the horoscope with no hope as he had already shown his child's horoscope to all reputed astrologers of his state.

The monk checked the horoscope for some time.

Shakuntala Devi gave refreshments to the monk, but the monk's attention was only on the horoscope.

" the surprise that I can see this." the monk said.

Everyone along with the neighbors was confused because the monk expressed himself in a quite dramatic manner.

Each one was sad for a young child, but the monk seemed very happy.

"This situation is clearly described in the child's horoscope. I do not know the name of this strange position of the stars, because it is a very unusual position. Even great astrologers would not know it. This is the reason why no one didn't tell you about it." Monk said smiling.

"You mean everyone had noticed it?" Beli Rama asked while trying to understand the matter again.

"Yes, it must be visible to everyone, because it is so obvious," Monk replied innocently.

"If so, why didn't anyone tell me?" Beli Rama angrily asked.

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