
20 1 4

a/n they're gay, this is from a he/him pov. you can read it as something else if you want, that's just what i imagined as i wrote it.

"Honey i'm home!!" I smile at my husband who's reading on the couch and hang my jacket on the coat rack. "Have a good day?"

He nods and sets his book down, motioning for me to sit beside him. I sigh and comply, him leaning his head on my shoulder. "My boss was surprised I was in so soon, but I told her I was fine. I had to convince her to give me a few days to work but she agreed I could come in for the rest of the week and then see how I'm feeling after this weekend."

We continue to sit in silence before I ask, "I'm gonna make dinner, alright?" I make my way to the kitchen and he sits on the stool by the counter as I get things out. I turn on his favorite show and we watch it while I cook.

My smile slowly fades. Something's off... my hand slips and I drop a glass, the condensation that had collected on it made it slippery. I sink to the floor, pressing a towel to a cut; a stray shard of glass had bounced off the floor and hit my leg.

I look up, wondering why my love hadn't come to help, and a sudden realization comes over me. "You... you died. Last week."

He nods sadly from the stool he's still sitting on, tears streaming down both of our faces. I cant believe what's happening, is this real? Why is he still here then?

"You're a ghost aren't you?" I whisper, already knowing the answer. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you here. Thank you for staying with me a while longer." My voice breaks and he smiles, blowing me a last kiss as he fades, leaving the kitchen empty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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