"don't talk to me."

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                           Naruto's pov:
Sasuke and me have been..off lately and
I have no idea why! Maybe it's because I stole his pencil 5th period and he wants me to apologize?....nah. ya,know it hasn't always been like this,couple of years ago we were laughing and sticking on to eachother like glue..but after 8th grade something's changed in him..and i have to get to the bottom of it but he's!... he's not talking to me..

FUCK! why does it bother me so damm  much I have been good since...well I've been fine!

Tears start to swell up in my my eyes and I start to cry making my mom knock on my door.

"Sweetie are you okay in there?"
I sniff and rub my eyes quickly so my mom doesn't barge in and realize I've been crying. 

"Im fine mom.."
"Are you sure? I heard crying in there."
I roll over and start bawling my eyes out and stuffed my face in my pillow and curled up into a ball on my bed. thinking why was a I like this and thinking if it's my fault. Mom opened the door and bought me back cookies and milk.

"Here sweetie..uhmm I know your growing and teenagers usually don't want to talk to there moms but..I'm always here if you need me Na." She hugged me softly after her last sentence. She always made me feel better and eventually I stopped crying and smiled softly and hugged her. "I'm glad I have you.." I said still hugging her and making her let out a giggle.

"Why are crying?.."
"You can tell me ANYTHING Na..and I won't.say.a.thing" she said booping my nose.

"It's just..I've been thinking about how one of friends haven't been talking to me and giving me the silent treatment and it's making me really sad..but they have been doing this for about a year! And I should get use to it..but I'm not? I don't know Im just remembering all the time we've spent together before and now it's all gone..?"

"Listen to me." mom said and she squeezed my leg looking me In the eyes dead serious.

"Ignore whoever they are. They probably just want to get a reaction out of you and wanna see you crawl back. But your not going to crawl back. Your going to grow up and move on because frankly Naruto there's other shit out there than some bum who left you." I was shocked, hearing my mom cuss wasn't something you'd hear on a daily basis. I smiles and wiped my tears. "Thank you." She smiled back at me and kissed me on the forehead and walked out my room.

I woke up and got dressed. "Finally it's Thursday!" I couldn't wait till the weekend, me and my friends decided a time to hang out and watch a movie, I got dressed and went to school until when I was walking my heart sank remembering that in 6th period i sat next sakura who tells me everything about sasuke and the "tea." she calls it. Fuck I really don't feel like hearing about him to be honest.. do I tell her I mean I kinda wanna hear about him but then I don't.. oh well it wouldn't hurt.

                   3 hours at school:

3 hours later and now it's 6th period and Sakura is here.

"GUESS WHAT!" Sakura said sitting her bag down and instantly sitting down. "what?"

S- "I asked Sasuke how he felt about you and he said!-" before she finish I felt all the air go out my lungs instantly. 'Why the fuck would she ask him that without permission!? Ugh! I wanna just choke her!'

I thought to myself.

N-" Sakura why on EARTH would you ask him that!?"

S-" well..because you were acting so sad and confused on why he wasn't talking to you.."

N-"...well what DID he say?"
S-" he said it's because you spread a rumor about him on how he's-"

N-" I DID WHAT!?!?!?"

I never spread a rumor about him,ever!? Is that really the reason!? And why did sakura seem kinda happy about it before..

S-"well..yea you did remember? In 8th grade you went to that one party were you got drunk for the first time and  someone recorded you saying really fucked up shit about Sasuke." My head hurts trying to remember everything, I would never spread a rumor like that no matter what state I was in. Besides how many shots did I take I only remember have 3?..that's not a lot right?


right as the bell rang I got my stuff without waiting for Sakura and went to find Sasuke in the halls, it'll be hard since he wears all black, I had to speed run though so I wouldn't be late to class..and I saw him talking to a teacher and left the class. And glanced at me rolled his eyes and sped walked over to his next class.

"Sauske!" I said grabbing his arm.
"Dont fucking touch me ever again!"
He said yanking his hand back harsh me stumble a bit. "Sasuke listen whatever that rumor was I didn't spread it swear! It was just probably some..I don't know..joke?" Sasuke stared at me without saying anything for a good 5seconds and started to Chuckle "JOKE!? And by the way it was you I fucking saw it with my own two eyes you can't deny something with evidence dumbass!" Evidence? What the fuck is he talking about?

That's when I remember what Sakura told me damm how did I forget so fast but that still want me- well it was but.. fuck!

"Sasuke listen I was drunk for the first time and I don't even remember saying all that and I didn't mean it,so can you just stop this!..your kinda being overdramatic-

"Naruto are you fucking joking listen I get your you're desperate,lonely and still want to be my friend but you fucked up because I don't wanna be friends with someone who's been spreading rumors about me since 8th grade!! so..just leave me alone"

N-"Im sick of you trying to avoid me because I didn't do jack to your sorry ass!"

S-"AS IF!"
N-"if you don't wanna hang out then don't be a pussy and tell me!"



N."I don't believe you."

N. "sorry I'm such an inconvenience to you.."

S-" i trusted you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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