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*long chapter*


I flip through the notebook wide-eyed, 'Whose could this be?' I turn the page, and it catches my eye.

There are scribbles and crossed out words. I raise a brow as I examine the page a little bit more.

kill yourself bitch

you're not worth anything

stupid piece of shit

no one loves you

everyone leaves you for a reason

I grimace at the seemingly harsh words, Jeez. Whoever wrote that must have been on some hardcore shit. I flip through the notebook again, and it's just some drawings, random words, and that page.

I sigh, toss the notebook in another direction, and stand up to see the disaster I made.

I started picking up the mess by placing the table back where it was and putting back all the materials that were on the desk.


After a few minutes of cleaning up, I look around and mentally pat myself on the back for my hard efforts. "That should do it." I look at my jacket and cringe.

The blood stain is still there, and I have nothing to clean it with. I groan with annoyance and disgust as I slowly pull the jacket back on.

"Fuck I feel gross, but its still cold" I state

'At least I finished cleaning...' I turn around and see the blood-tarnished walls.

"Fuck me"


I walk out of the room and back into the hallway with rushed steps. I'm still pondering why that room was there and how.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, and I focus on finding Simon.


Why am I so focused on finding him? It's not like he's important... right? But, he has helped me multiple times, and I've done the bare minimum.

I literally almost let him die.

I'm the utter worst...

I shake my head in shame and embarrassment. Why am I like this? Why do I cower away from the problems I can't seem to face? Is this why people leave me... because I'm a coward?

It makes total sense. I've lost people close to me because of what I wouldn't or couldn't do to satisfy them.

It's inevitable.

The number of times I have tried my best to help the people around me is astonomical.

I feel tears creep out of my eyes, and I stop walking.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now