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Tom and I see Brian get dragged out by handcuffs out of the school, damn. Guess he shouldn't have snitched, it definitely came back to bite him in the ass.

"You may come back in." The administrator waves us over, and back into the room. Tom stands up giving me his hand, I place my hand in the palm of his getting up.

I pat the back of my jeans off, walking inside I grip Tom's hand tightly out of nervousness.

"So it seems as if the person Brian claimed to be dead is in fact healthy and well, so you're free to resume back to your normal classes." He sighed, it was as if he was trying to catch us. I don't know why.

"Alright thank you." Tom smiles before leading me out of the room. I take a much-needed breath out, I must've been holding that one in.

"It's okay love, you're not in trouble." Tom whispers, kissing my cheek.


Never heard that one before... but here for it I guess.

I walk into my classroom, Tom's hand holding my waist tightly. "Thank you, Mrs. Rogers ill take it from here." I smile and nod. "Of course darlin, if you need anything else just ask." She replies in a strong southern accent.

"Woah guys let's keep it PG in here!" Jayden points to Tom's hand on my waist. "I've seen you with your girlfriend in the halls, don't hate on me." Tom remarks, raising his brows at Jayden.

"Yeah, but I'm a teenager you're a teacher that's gross." Jayden makes a disgusted face looking Tom up and down. "Oh yeah? How ya like me now?!" Tom embraces me in a strong kiss my eyes suddenly widen pulling away.

"You can't do that!" I yell. "I'm traumatized." Andrea sighs.

"Whatever." Tom rolls his eyes.



I dismiss my last class, walking to Gia's room. I greet some students goodbye making my way to her door. I stop in my tracks, hearing a male voice emerging from the room.

I stand beside the door, listening in.

"We're hanging out tonight right babe?" The male asks. "Of course love, I'll be there." Gia replies.


I bite my tongue, walking to my car. She wants to be like that? Fine, she can be like that. I Slam my car door shut, I put my keys in the ignition before driving off speedily.

I didn't know where I was going, all that I knew was that I was pissed and needed to get my mind off it. My jaw clenches as I stare at the road in front of me.

I pull my phone out calling Georg's number. It rings a couple of times before he picks up.

"Yes, Tom?" Georg asks. "Wanna go killing with me? Pretty sure Gia's cheating on me. Need to get my mind off it." I snicker shaking my head.

"Why don't you just go to a bar and fuck a random girl like a normal person Tom?" Georg says. "Cause, I only fuck Gia." I respond.

"When she's fucking someone else?" He laughs. "Just shut the fuck up! I'm on my way to pick you up." I yell, hanging the phone up. Driving angrily.


I honk loudly, signaling for Georg to get his ass out here. A minute had gone by and he still wasn't here. I continue honking repeatedly.

"I'm here chill!" Georg shouts, locking his door. He walks over to my locked car, attempting to open the door.

Georg knocks on the window, I sigh unlocking the car. "So why do you think Gia is cheating?" Georg asks, closing his door.

"Cause this guy fucking called her babe and then she called him love and I just called her love today." I explain.

"You sure it's not a misunderstanding? Gia loves you Tom. Talk to her maybe" Georg suggests.

"Nope, id rather fuck a random girl and burn down a building." I snicker to myself.

"Alright man, but when it comes back to bite you in the ass don't blame me." He sighs, I shift my stick driving off. "Where are you going Tom?" He looks to the road ahead of us and back to me.

"I'm gonna burn down the Gambetti's warehouse." I pull into their street. "What why?" Georg asks. "Why not?" I shrug, getting out of the car. I pull some gasoline out the trunk of my car coating the warehouse in it.

I wanted to watch the flames go up.

I throw my lighter on the fire, watching it all go up. The aroma of the smoke overtaking me, I start to cough uncontrollably. "Tom police!" Georg yells, ah shit.

I run back to my car, Georg runs fast behind me. I speed off down the streets, I could see the police car on our tails, I start to treat it as if it were a race, speeding down the roads.

"Tom just stop the car." Georg says. "You wanna get arrested? Didn't think so." I start to accelerate on my speed. "Why did you drag me into this with you? I was doing perfectly fine sitting in my pajamas watching The Walking Dead." Georg sighs.

"MY PREGNANT WIFE IS CHEATING ON ME!" I shout. The tears start to stream down my face, fucking shit.

"Tom, are you crying?" Georg points to my tears chuckling. "I'm not! I don't care she can do whatever she wants." I bite my bottom lip, he knew I was lying and I knew too.

"Tom, they've caught up with you."

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