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(kitten in the upper photo shows Rattledkit)



LEADER SWEETSTAR - russet thick-furred she-cat with blue eyes

DEPUTY VINECLAW - gray tom with white belly and blue eyes

MEDICINE CAT HOLLOWBERRY - old gray tom with a missing eye

APPRENTICE, DAPPLEDPETAL - pretty siamese she-cat with ice blue eyes

WARRIORS (toms and she-cats without kits)

BRISTLECLAW - cream tom with spiky fur and brown eyes

                              APPRENTICE, TWIGPAW

DAWNFROST - pale ginger tabby she-cat with hazel eyes

SILVERFOOT - dark gray-almost black tom with a silver paw and orange eyes

OAKROOT - brown based tortoiseshell with dark green eyes

                     APPRENTICE, TAWNYPAW

LIONSPLASH - yellow tabby with black stripes and orange eyes

BUMBLESLIP - tan-cream she-cat with green eyes

FLYSNAP - silver tom with black stripes and dark blue eyes

SUNLEAP - white calico tom with orange and black spots and brown eyes

YELLOWFROST - a cream yellow she-cat

FIRCONEPELT - dark brown tom with red streaks and blue eyes

                              APPRENTICE, MARIGOLDPAW

GRAYCLAW - gray tom with darker gray paws and blue eyes

APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

TWIGPAW - orange tom with darker stripes and hazel eyes

TAWNYPAW - yellow-orange she-cat with green eyes

MARIGOLDPAW - russet-golden she-cat with light blue eyes

QUEENS (she-cats nursing or expecting kits)

HEATHERSTEP - gray-tan she-cat, mother of Sunleaps kits; Cloudkit - white fluffy tom, and Lavenderkit - black and white she-cat

HAZELSPOTS-white she-cat with hazel spots, mother of Lionsplashs kit; Rattledkit - dark brown sokoke tom

POPPYSTREAK - tortoiseshell and white she-cat, mother of Vineclaws kits; Ravenkit - black tom, Mothkit - tan tom, and Smallkit - yellow-tan she-cat

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

ALDERSTEP - dark ginger tom with blind blue eyes and white flecks

SHIVERINGDAISY - white-gray she-cat with green eyes

BERRYTAIL - orange tabby tom with amber eyes


LEADER SPOTTEDSTAR - brown tom with white spots

DEPUTY PETALSPLASH - black she-cat

MEDICINE CAT TANSYPOOL - albino she-cat with stumpy tail

                                                          APPRENTICE, DOCKPAW


LEADER BUSHSTAR - orange she-cat with a huge tail

DEPUTY MONKEYTAIL - tan tom with a brown tail

MEDICINE CAT LINCHFUR - pale tortoiseshell with green eyes


LEADER MOONSTAR - black she-cat with gray spots

DEPUTY SALTFLECK - gray tom with white flecks

MEDICINE CAT SKYDRIZZLE - tan she-cat with brown swirls


LEADER GOLDENSTAR - golden tabby she-cat

DEPUTY SPICEFANG - black tabby tom

MEDICINE CAT PEARLNOSE - calico she-cat with yellow eyes

                                                          APPRENTICE, MINTPAW - gray and white tom   

Warriors: Powers of The Clans ~ Pending Storm (Book 1/6)Where stories live. Discover now