Seven: Couple of Marshmallow's

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I stood outside the movie theatre with Jake and Mike, Bella had just wandered away to call the other three who were meant to be with us. I swear to god, if Jessica bails, I'll kill her. Mike and Jacob were practically murdering each other with their eyes, and Bella hadn't stopped clinging to Jacob. 

"So Face Punch huh, you like action movies?" Jacob asked, glaring at Mike. What was his problem?

"Not really."

"I heard it sucks, bad."

"Jake, play nice," I muttered, nudging the boy with my elbow.

"Are you even old enough to see this movie, I mean yano without adult supervision?"

"Neither am I, I'm still 17 remember, yano, 11 months younger than Bella. She's getting our tickets," I butted in, not wanting the two boys to fight. It'd just make things awkward.   I actually felt relieved when Bella wandered over, despite her distraught expression,

"Jess bailed-" 

"I'm gonna kill her."

"-and Ange got that stomach flu so Eric's taking care of her. It's just us four." Oh joy. The four of us trailed in, an awkward silence settling amongst us. Bella walked next to Jake, and me and Mike trailed behind. The two of us chatted quietly, both of us clearly unhappy. Mike clearly wanted Bella, and I wanted Jacob. But Jacob kept glancing back, his eyes wandering over me, giving me a small smile when I offered him one. Bella didn't turn around, but she nudged Jacob when he did. 

The four of us sat down, obviously in the front row. That was Bella's choice, I much prefer to sit in the back. Bella sat in between Jacob and Mike, and I sat on the end next to the blonde boy. I watched as Jacob tried to protest, moving to swap with Mike, but Bella yanked on his arm. Wow, Bella's being a dick. 

And so the movie began. Almost immediately, the gore began. Like, as soon as the movie started, I saw someone's brains being splattered across a wall. My stomach churned, but I had to suck it up. I didn't want anyone to think that I was being a baby. 

"Hey Lottie, you okay?" Mike whispered, glancing at me. In this lighting, he looked almost as pale as me. I nodded,

"Can I hold your hand?" Wow. Baby. But I grabbed Mike's hand almost too happily when he held it out for me, the feel of his slightly sweaty palms calming me. Admittedly, I was being a baby, I just needed that comfort of another human. And the human that I truly wanted comfort from, well my sister was currently using him as a head rest. 

I glanced over at Jacob, blushing as I realised that he was already staring at me. His eyes bore into mine, and he honestly looked furious. I looked away, my eyes returning to the movie screen. Bad timing, someone just got shot in the face. I recoiled in disgust, my hand squeezing Mike's. 

"Lottie, I'm gonna throw up," Mike muttered, pulling his arm away. I watched as he ran up the aisle, and I followed behind, grabbing his jacket for him. 

"What a marshmallow," Jake chimed, scaring me slightly. I didn't realise that he'd followed me out.

"So are you two like, a thing?" Jake asked, his eyes sporting that angry glare, I shook my head no, "good, you should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."

"Jake, be nice. That film made me feel a bit queasy too."

"He might have that flu that's going around, you know the one that you gave everyone?" Bella chimed in. Thanks Bella, making me out to be some sort of gross germy girl.

We all stopped at the stairs, with Bella sitting down, running her hand down Jacob's arm and grabbing his hand. He pulled away harshly, shuffling away from the girl.

"What? I can't hold your hand?"


"Why not?" 

"I don't want to." Bella looked hurt, but she still turned to glare at me, almost as if Jake's refusal to hold her hand was my fault. The three of us lapsed into an awkward silence, each of us avoiding the others' gaze. I could feel Bella's glares penetrating my skull, but why? What have I done?

"Well... I need to go home," Mike had emerged from the bathroom, and I jumped. I hadn't realised that he'd come back.

"Oh my god Mike, are you okay?" I fussed, running over to the blonde boy. I handed him his jacket, and patted his shoulder. I felt so bad for him., he looked like he was about to cry.

"Yeah Lottie, thanks. I just really need to go home." I nodded in understanding, and glanced over at Bella and Jacob. Again, Jacob looked absolutely furious, why though? What was up? Mike also glanced over, withdrawing under the taller boy's glare,

"I, I felt unwell before the film. What's your problem?"

"Right now? You're my problem," Jacob replied, getting in the blonde's face, "you need to go the hospital? Do you want me to put you in the hospital?"

"Jake, chill, he just doesn't feel well," I muttered, grabbing Mike and moving him behind me. For once, I was grateful for Bella touching Jacob. She grabbed the boy, pulling him away from Mike.

"You're like, really hot. Like, you might have a fever, are you okay?"

"I don't know what's happening, I've gotta go," Jacob trailed off, pulling out of Bella's grip. I followed behind, grabbing his arm. Bella was right, he was absolutely boiling.

"Jake, wait, let us take you home."

"No Charl, just let me go."

"Jake, please."

"No," he snapped, pulling his arm out of my grip. He stalked off, and I watched as his figure blended into the busy streets of Port Angeles. 

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