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This chapter is gonna be a long one guys, mentally prepare for it, please.

June 28th, 2025

"Baby, are you ready?" Tom asks fixing his watch. "I'm just strapping my heels, go wait in the car I'll be right there." I fix the straps of my heels, looking up at him.

"Okay, I'll see you in the car." Tom walks out of our bedroom, I could hear his loud footsteps against the stairs of our house. Our house.

I slightly crouch down, to mirror level, fixing my brown hair. Yes, brown.

I dyed it when Tom got his braids, it's a caramel brown color with a few blonde streaks all around my head, I think it looked good. Tom fucked me after I got it so..

I think he likes it too.

I reapply my lip gloss, popping my lips together. I gently place my lipgloss in my purse, running down the marble stairs.

If you're wondering... I don't care if you're not. But Tom got caught by paparazzi last year, out and about. Long story short, the generation he is in right now is the only generation that exists.

The rest of the band got caught on purpose so that they could all be together in the same year at least.

So remember all those girls you've seen on social media wishing Tom was 19 in the 20's? well, now he really is.

This world may not make sense to most people honestly, it barely makes sense to me. But all that I know is that I love Tom. I never wanna lose him, ever.

I lock the front door behind me, getting into the car. "Where are we going?" I take a breath out, putting my seatbelt on. "Dinner, then arcade."  Tom says shifting his gear. "Okay!"


"I'll get the chicken parmesan." I look up at the waiter smiling. "Just a burger and fries please." Tom smiles as well, she nods grabbing our menus.

Going to get our food. "Okay, let's talk now." I lean my elbows on the table, putting my face in my hands.

"About what? We already know everything about each other." Tom says, sipping his coke.

"Hmm, I can queef on command." I giggle. "Like, pussy farts?" Tom asks.

"Yes, those." I nod. "Oh... Cool!" He laughs. "I can burp my name." Tom says. "Show me in the car, not now." I say looking around at all the paying customers.

"I feel so far from you, should we move to a booth?" Tom asks. "Sure." I respond, Tom waves over the waiter with his two fingers, I snicker slightly to myself at the movement of his fingers.

"Dirty, hm?" Tom raises his brows, waiting for the waiter.

"Definitely." I agree. "Yes, how may I help you?" She rushed over. "Could we move to a booth please?" Tom asks. "Of course." She nods grabbing our drinks, Tom and I walk close behind her to our booth.

"Thank you." I thank her, sliding in. Tom slides in after me, holding my waist. "I can kiss you now." Tom leans in, giving me repeated kisses, I gladly kiss back.

"I love you Heaven." He whispers against, my ear. "I love you so much more Tom." I hold his neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss.

Tom hugs my waist gently, my legs intertwine with his, underneath the table. My legs were placed on top of his thigh a little his other foot was making contact with my ankles. But my butt was still on the seat.

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