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I pick up my phone, calling Tom. He wasn't answering and he isn't in his classroom.

Where the fuck was he? He had the car.

I dial Tristan's number, he'd probably drop me off. "Hey babe! What's up?" Tristan picks up the call.

"Tom left with the car for some reason, could you give me a ride home?" I ask, sighing. "Yeah, sure i'll park in the front." Tristan says before hanging up.

I gather my things, walking to his car. I open the passenger door, getting in. "Hey love, you know my address right?" I smile.

"Of course." He says before starting to drive off.

I suddenly get a call on my phone, I pick it up putting it to my ear. "Hello?" I talk into the phone. "This is an automated call from country jail, so you accept these charges?" The automated voice message says.

I scrunch my brows. "Yes I accept."

"Gia! It's Georg, I need you to bail Tom and I out of jail." He speaks. "How the fuck did you get arrested!" I yell. "Doesn't matter! Can you get here?" Georg asks.

"Yeah, whatever i'll be there soon." I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Can you just drop me off at the county jail please?" I ask Tristan.

"Why?" He questions. "Just drive." I reply annoyed.


"Do you need me to pick you up?" He unlocks the car. "I'll manage thanks love." I smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm here to bail Tom Kaulitz and Georg Listing out." I tap on the front desk. "Right, here they are." I could hear the buzzer, Tom and Georg get their handcuffs unlocked walking to me.

Tom was looking at me, as if his looks could kill.

What had I done wrong?

"Baby? Are you okay?" I ask holding Tom's face, his gaze flickers between my own, before practically yanking me off of him.

"What's wrong Tom, talk to me." I squeeze his hand. "Fuck off." He grabs his hand, before walking away faster. "What's wrong with him?" I look to Georg.

"Um he says you cheated on him, I don't know." He shrugs. "WHAT?!" I yell. "I don't know! Don't kill me, I know you've been good at that lately." Georg throws his hands up, taking a step back.

Tom opens his car, slamming the door shut after him.

"I would never cheat on Tom?! What?" I say confused. "I don't know you should ask him about it." Georg makes his way around the car, getting in next to Tom.

I get in the backseat, Tom clenches his jaw driving off. "Tom." I rub his neck, gently. "Don't touch me." He shakes his head. "Baby." I say sternly.

"I'm not talking to you Gia." Tom replies plainly, looking straight ahead. "Georg why did you guys get arrested." I ask.

"We burnt down a warehouse." Georg replies, Tom's gaze glares at Georg through the mirror. "WHY WOULD YOU BURN DOWN A WAREHOUSE?" I shout. "Cause Tom was mad." Georg says.

"I don't understand what I did!" I furrow my brows confused. I really don't know what I did.

"He said some guy called you babe and you called him love." He responds. "Do you ever shut the fuck up?!" Tom turns his head to Georg.

"Are you talking about Tristan?" I laugh. "Who the fuck is Tristan." Tom says. "The one I was talking to earlier in my classroom?" I tilt my head at Tom.

"Yes him." He nods.

"He's gay."

Georg starts to hysterically laugh, practically wheezing. "It's not funny!" Tom yells.

"You thought she was cheating on you with a gay guy." He starts to cackle loudly. "Can we talk about the fact you BURNT down a fucking building?!" I yell at Tom.

"Because I thought you broke my heart so I burnt down the building, that's how much control you have over me Gia." Tom sighs.

"Well i'm still here, that's how much control you have over me." I reply.

"Listen to us, this is toxic we are in a toxic relationship Gia." Tom laughs. "I still can't believe you fucking thought I was cheating on you." I shake my head.

"Can you blame me? You called him love Gia, you don't even call me love!" Tom yells. "Because, I don't like pet names other then babe and baby you know this!" I yell back.

"I called you love today!" Tom yells.

"Yeah! It's cute when you tell me if but I don't like calling you love!" I defend. "That makes no sense."

"I'm literally pregnant with your child and you expect me to cheat on you? Are you deemed insane?" I shout. "Oh please, let's not forget you killed twenty people for absolutely no reason." Tom scoffs.

"YOU BURNT DOWN A BUILDING TOM." I reply sternly. "Because I love you!" Tom says.

"Then stop loving me!" I grip onto his chair. "I can't!" He pulls into Georg's house, waving him away.

"Damn, okay I see how it is." Georg sighs, getting out.

I hop over the center console getting in the front seat. "Don't be moving like that, you're gonna squish my baby." Tom pats down on my stomach.

"So let me get this straight, you came to my classroom overheard me talking with Tristan. Then you went and burned a building?" I say confused.

"Yes." Tom responds simply.

"Why not do the normal thing and get drunk." I laugh. "You would've preferred that?" Tom asks.

"Never mind."

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