Chapter 15: Impossible But...(Part 2)

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On his way to the river, Dev cursed himself a lot for his stupidity. What he regretted most was that he had spoken like ordinary people. He was sorry that he had stained the reputation of the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

While returning from the river, Dev was relieved that he had not shown that indecency in front of the people of the world. He did not defame his Gurukul in front of the people of the world.

By the time Dev returned, everyone was waiting for him with food.

They immediately started eating when Dev joined them. The morsel of the hand used to go towards the mouth but the eyes were on the barren fields.

By midday, everyone had eaten food.

After the meal, everyone lay down to rest, but there was no relaxation in their minds. The worry of growing the crop kept forcing them to keep looking at their piece of land. And every time the worry would only increase.

Suddenly Jagdeesh's eyes caught asleep. He started having a dream in his sleep. This time again he was Little Jagdeesh but now he was near his parents. He was in his house laughing and playing with his parents on their ancestral farm. There was only happiness all around. Suddenly their fields become barren. The parents start crying. Little Jagdeesh gets angry and starts digging the field with a small tool.

Whenever Little Jagdeesh saw the tears of his mother while digging, he became angrier, so he started digging with more force. He broke the stones. After taking out the soil from the pit, showed it to Mother. Mother became happy.

When Jagdeesh woke up, he found his mother's tears of happiness in his eyes. There was also a smile on his lips. For the first time, with a smile on his lips, he accidentally saw his piece of land. It looked like a dream to him.

Jagdeesh was watching it continuously.

The dream created a stir in Jagdeesh's mind. Slowly his face started turning red with anger. He was oblivious to the fact that Dev was looking at him nervously.

Jagdeesh's hands moved toward the tool. He picked up the tool.

"Jagdeesh...Jagdeesh" Dev asked nervously.

Jagdeesh did not answer, he came straight out.

"Where are you going?" Dev stood beside him and said.

Jagdeesh stopped.

"I am going to make a piece of land a farm," Jagdeesh said seriously.

All three laughed after hearing about the excavation.

"It is not land, it is stone, have you seen even a particle of soil on this whole mound?" Rasik asked.

"It is absolutely a stone and Jagdeesh, stones do not break easily," Batuk explained.

"I know...yet stones do break. And these stones will also be broken...this is what my faith says." Jagdeesh said with full confidence.

"Even if one stone breaks, there will be another stone below it..." Dev spoke.

"...Third below the second..." said Batuk.

"...And below that another stone.... Don't know how many stones this mound is standing on." Dev said.

"Friends, why so much despair, your words are demoralizing me," Jagdeesh said with helplessness as it was not expected from friends.

Dev-Batuk kept silent while speaking. Seeing that, Rasik came forward. He put his hand on Jagdeesh's shoulder.

"Our intention is not to scare you, but to make you aware of the reality," Rasik explained.

Hearing that, the enthusiasm that emerged in Jagdeesh cooled down. Seeing Rasik, he kept the tool on the ground, but he had not left the tool yet.

Seeing Jagdeesh being normal, Dev also came to him.

"What is the point of doing hard work that does not bear fruit?" Dev asked.

Jagdeesh through his eyes reluctantly agreed with Dev. His enthusiasm had cooled down. With the same sadness that arose from the cold enthusiasm, he looked at the barren land as if he were saying, "Today my friends have saved you."

Seeing Jagdeesh looking at the barren fields, an apprehension arose in Batuk's mind.

"Is it that instead of being united, you want to walk your path alone?" Batuk raised doubts.

When the blasphemy came upon the saddened Jagdeesh, his conscience became sadder. Meanwhile, he felt Rasik take his hand off his shoulder. When he looked at Rasik, the same doubt was visible in Rasik's eyes which was in Batuk's words.

When Jagdeesh saw Dev in astonishment, he lost his mind completely. Dev also found Batuk's words correct.

The very next moment Jagdeesh was again filled with anger. Not only did his enthusiasm return, but this time his enthusiasm was more than before. He picked up the tool again.

"My path is one that leads to success...and success does not come without hard work. This is what I have learned from Gurukul." Showing the tools, Jagdeesh said firmly.

"B...b...but friend..."

"...Let him go Batuk...the reality is that we all have to choose our path." Rasik interrupted Batuk.

"Well said Rasik, after all, it is a personal test. This is not a collective exam... everyone has to take their own exam and everyone has to grow crops in their respective fields. So, everyone has the right to choose their own path." Dev said while probing Batuk's doubt in Jagdeesh's mind.

Hearing so, Jagdeesh was ready to leave. He felt that his friends were separating him from themselves, considering him a fool. He decided that he would do something.

Jagdeesh firmly went towards the land and stuck the land with the tool. The tool collided with the ground which was like iron and produced a hoarse sound at the same time Jagdeesh also became unbalanced.

Jagdeesh pulled himself together and used the tool for the second time. Again he lost his balance, he recovered himself again. That happened every time and every time Jagdeesh balanced himself and kept hitting the ground.

In between, Jagdeesh used to look at his friends with excuses. Friends would be seen smiling at him. Their smile turned him on more.

After some time Jagdeesh sat down tired. The condition of the land was exactly the same as earlier. All three were standing at the door of the cottage, they wanted Jagdeesh to leave this mindlessness and come inside.

Jagdeesh felt that his friends were telling him, "If your ego is satisfied then come back".

Jagdeesh didn't like being called a fool. But he was doing stupidity. He had not achieved anything by running the tool here and there. On top of that, he had also wasted so much of his energy.

Jagdeesh made his goal to dig a pit. He immediately got engaged. On the increasing expectation of friends, he again struck the tool.

Friends become angrier, but they cannot do anything even if they want to.

Jagdeesh started digging at one place and went on digging.

Dusk came and Jagdeesh returned to the cottage very tired.

The food was already prepared. Friends were waiting for Jagdeesh with angry faces. He silently came and sat down. Rasik gave food to him too. Everyone expected that he would say something, but he didn't speak.

Jagdeesh ate food and went to sleep.

All three kept looking at him.

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