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"They're so cute!" I squeal, looking at my nails as we walk to the cashier to pay. "$85 is your total." She says, Tom slides his card down the counter before looking back to me. "You like them?" He asks.

"Yes I do, thank you!" I smile brightly.

The nail tech hands Tom back his card. "Thanks." He smiles and nods, throwing his arm around my shoulder. We start to walk to the car.

I jump on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I love you." I whisper, kissing his neck. "They're just nails Gigi." He snickers. "Yeah but you've done all this today it's so sweet." I pout happily.

His hands grip my thighs, giving me a boost up. "The day isn't over yet love, you'll just have to wait and see!"

Why is he being so nice, it's weird. I'm scared, am I getting murdered tonight or what?

"Tom." I look at his face, looking him up and down. "Yes Gigi?" He opens my car door, putting me inside. Making his way to the other side of the car.

I wait for him to get inside. "Am I gonna get murdered tonight or? Like what's going on here!" I say worriedly.

"What?" He looks to me confused. "Like, you're being nice. Too nice." I bite my bottom lip, still scared out of my mind. "I can't be nice?" He tilts his head.

"I mean, you can. I appreciate it, but like why..?"

"Because you're my fiancé and I love you?" He smiles, yet he was still looking at me confusedly. "Honey?" I start to touch his face, checking his fever.

"Gia, there's nothing wrong with me stop it." He lifts my hands off his face, rubbing them gently, placing kisses on them. "What the fuck is up with you!" I yell snatching my hands back.

"Nothing! Why are you yelling at me!?" He shouts back in the tone I was using. "I'm sorry, just kind of wondering what the fuck is going on here." I scratch the back of my head, awkwardly.

"You're gonna love today just watch." He smiles brightly giving me a kiss.

I think he's been deemed mentally insane.

"Some of your lipstick smudged." Tom points to my lips, I pull down the built in mirror, checking my lipstick. Suddenly a note card falls out, how slick Tom.

I open it up reading it. "I would just dye, without you. I wonder where we're going next!" I read the note.

"I think you forgot how to spell die, dumbass." I point to the word. "No you're the dumbass for not understanding what I meant." Tom says, driving off.

"OH!" It had finally clicked, I was getting my hair done! "Tom these clues are really bad, you gotta step up your game." I wave the card in his face.

"Can you just enjoy today, and not complain." He sighs.


"I look like a skunk, this is so cool!" I play with my highlighted hair, I had gotten some chunky blonde streaks, it looked really cool in my opinion.

"Do you like it?" I smile, turning my head to Tom. "It's beautiful baby, suits you." He nods, touching a strand of hair. A small part of me is worried and the other is happy. Mainly worried right now.

"How much?" I ask the hairstylist. "Don't tell her how much, i'll checkout myself. "Okay and these are the shampoos to keep it from fading, which brand would you like?" She questions Tom and I.

"I'll take them all." He pulls his wallet out going to the front. What the hell is going on right now.

I lean over the chair, seeing Tom swipe his card before walking back over to me. "How much was it?" I ask. "Don't worry about it, let's go." He extends his arm out.

I grab his arm getting up, I dig my hand into his pocket pulling the receipt out. "Gia no." Tom snatches it away. "I just wanna see how much!" I whine.

"No you don't need to know, just enjoy life and don't worry about it." Tom laughs, crumbling up the receipt and tossing it in the trashcan.

"How much was it." I ask the stylist. "$350." She says before walking away. "Tom!" I hit his chest a 150 of those dollars must've been from all the shampoos he's bought. "Chill, it's fine." He smiles, yet once again.

I'm so genuinely scared for my life tonight.


"This dress is so pretty!" I giggle, swaying my hips. "It looks nice, you should get that one." Tom says. "You think?" I start to unzip it. "No keep it on, you need it on." Tom zips it back up.

"For?" I ask.

"Date, we're gonna go on a date." Tom pats on my back after zipping it up. "Oo, where?" I hold his hands. "You'll see."


Tom opens the car door, letting me out if it. Walking me over to a gazebo in a big garden, overlooking the now dark sky. I lean against the railing, admiring the scene in front of me.

"Aw, Tom it's just like the day you proposed." The realization hit me, and when I turned around...

Tom was on one knee, holding a ring. What?

"Tom honey, we're already engaged." I get on my knees, to his level.

"It's been so long, so i'm asking you again." He smiles. The tears start to well up in my eyes, why was he being so sweet today? It was honestly nothing i'd ever expect from him. It was the best thing he'd ever done for me.

"So, Gianna. Will you marry me?" Tom smiles sadly. He was gonna cry too. "Yes of course!" I laugh, putting my hand out, he replaces my old ring putting the new one on. "It's so pretty!" I analyze the ring.

"I'm glad you like it." He gives me a hug, I pull away from the hug, giving him a kiss instead.

"Thank you so much, I love you." I give him repeated kisses, on his mouth, cheeks, forehead. Basically everywhere.

"I love you too Gigi."

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