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PHOENIX SLAMMED AUGUST, up against the wall behind him, causing a choked out squeak to escape his mouth as he did so. The ravenette didn't care though because he wanted to make sure he made himself clear with the shorter teen. He always told him that Y/N was off limits, yet he clearly didn't get the hint if he was perfectly fine with being along with her, not worrying about what he was going to do to him or anything of the sort, which made him even more furious. He wanted him to fear him, so he didn't like the thought of not affecting him anymore.

Also, he knew about how easy it was for his friend to fall in love with people just to obsess over them for a long period in time. The only difference between their obsessions were that the redhead was way less dangerous than the man with darker hair, and that was something that could be seen by almost everyone around the two of them.

"What did I tell you, hmm??!" he whispered through his ear with his breath slightly brushing at the skin of the ginger that was currently freaking out. He didn't know how he was going to go about with this whole thing, especially since the taller boy had already had him in his grasp. He just felt like he could collapse to the ground at any minute, yet he didn't even bother to help himself since he was too afraid.

August strained his eyes at Phoenix as he felt them growing a little watery, an empty feeling punching at his gut as he thought about the big enough struggle he was trying to handle within his own mind, already knowing that this event would fuck his mental health up even more once it was finished, "Y-You.. told me... N-Not to go anywhere.. n-near Y/N...!"

Gripping his neck even tighter while he turned his head to the side, an intimidating look through his blue eyes as, that's when Phoenix clenched his jaw with his own heavy breaths that exhaled out of both his nose and his lips, causing even more panic to come from the redhead that just knew he would be able to crack even more at any moment, "Because..?!"

"B-Because.. she's yours and.. n-nobody else's!!" his voice was getting a little lower as he tilted his head back to catch a little of his own breaths so he could atleast breathe through his hold, angering the ravenette infront of him even more just by that single action.

At this point, August wasn't even sure if he was going to be alive by the end of this, but he still tried his hardest to keep his eyes wide open just invade anything bad were to actually happen to him, "So I need you to explain something to me, August.... If you know the simple rules I gave to you, why didn't you follow them, huh??"

"I... Was in a tough spot..! I.. I knew you... I.. thought you wouldn't care about my mom dying, so I didn't tell you about any of that!! She was the one that caught me c-crying...!! And she comforted me... I didn't see the harm in being her friend...!" The redhead choked out, still making sure that the tears that filled his eyes didn't stream down his cheeks since he didn't want to make himself look even more pathetic.

Loosening his hold against the gingers neck, the taller teen squinted his own eyes at his friend, the stern look from before somehow becoming even more sterner, "I don't care about any of that... You have me. You don't need her, you don't need Isabel, and you sure as hell don't need that other guy that appeared out of nowhere. Who's been here for you all this time??"

"Uhh.. You...?" August took short breaths while he stared up at the expressionless Phoenix that still managed to look serious, wondering how he didn't feel bad about anything he was doing. It really made him think back to all the times he'd excuse his type of behavior all because he wasn't doing it to him, and that made him feel really bad for all the others Phoenix had hurt.

"Exactly... So what makes you think you need anybody else?" Feeling Phoenixes hand drop down to his shoulder, causing him to tense up from the sudden movement that came from the darker haired male, that's when it was Augusts turn to clench his jaw as he silently prayed that nothing wrong would happen.

Phoenix stared at his friend that gulped with his eyes lowering onto the ground beneath the both of them, making him wonder what was going through his mind before he heard the sound of his voice entering his ears once again, "I was... r-really hurting when Y-Y/N saw me crying... I didn't know what to do... It's like I said.. I didn't want you to just.. make fun of me like you always do."

Rolling his eyes as he took his hand back from the redhead, there was an almost scoffing sound that left passed Phoenixes lips before he crossed his arms, leaning to the side a bit, "I'm not all that heartless."

All the ginger could do was sigh out in relief before he processed what his friend had said, resulting in him to pipe up with a slight gasp that was heard from him, making the taller man raise a single eyebrow at him, "No, I know that...! I just still.. get worried that you'd do that sometimes..."

"But that still doesn't change a thing. I don't want you to speak with Y/N ever again. Do you hear me August?" The blue eyed male ordered, watching the way the redhead immediately nodded his head up and down without any questions. He liked that he could still scare him, but he didn't like that he couldn't do that to Y/N anymore, and he even began missing that as well, but of course he didn't mention that to him at all.

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