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I unlock the front door, walking in. I immediately see Aliyah rush up to me, squealing.

"What, what's wrong." My face scrunches.

She grabs my hand, looking at the ring. "It's so pretty!" She looks at it mesmerized. "You knew?" I ask. "Yes, I know everything." She nods.

"Also, that shit is really fucking weird. Engagements don't expire." She gives Tom a dirty look. "Fuck off." He takes his scarf off, throwing it on the couch.

"You would've never said that to me two months ago!" Aliyah yells. "Yeah well you weren't a little annoying shithead two months ago." Tom says, grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Okay, lil blud. That's why I found your gun collection, whatchu hiding hmm?" Aliyah hums, crossing her arms. "Nothing." Tom gulps down on his water.

"The accusations Brian made were true huh? And you're a little serial killer Genie!" Aliyah snickers, covering her mouth. I bite my bottom lip looking down. I didn't know what to say!

"Oh, don't worry. I won't tell anyone, because you're gonna let me join whatever's going on." Aliyah sits on the stool, grabbing a cookie from the jar.

"You're a child, no." Tom scoffs shaking his head.

"You started managing the mafia when you were 17 what's the difference?" I say. "Oh, so you're in a mafia? Interesting." She nods slowly.

"Gia." Tom says sternly. I awkwardly turn my head to the other side, not responding.

"You don't know how to kill, you're gonna freak out on the spot. Nor do you know how to even hold a gun."

"So, teach me." Aliyah shrugs. "Bitch! That's my line!" I laugh pointing to her. "You're not joining, end of story." Tom says walking to our bedroom, shutting the door.

"Genie! Talk to him!" Aliyah whines. "That's all you." I take my heels off. "Ugh fine!" She goes towards our room opening the door.

"AHHHH!" She shrieks high-pitched. "AH!" Tom screams in his regular voice.

Aliyah slams my door shut. "I'm gonna cry now." She licks her lips, nodding. "What happened?!" I ask.

She glances at me. "Mr. Kaulitz has a big dick you were right." She says before walking into her room. Oh.

"Tom." I snicker, walking into our room. "Hi." He says clearing his throat. I start to snort on my laugh, it was actually super funny.

"Are you gonna let her join?" I question, getting in front of him so he could unzip my dress. "I don't know baby, it's dangerous. Not to mention super risky."

It was super risky, she was only 18, but Tom led when he was 17, honestly, I don't know why she was trying to join. There had to be good reason for it.

"Put your clothes on, I wanna talk to her together." I walk over to the closet, putting on some shorts and one of his shirts, I throw him some sweatpants and a shirt as well. I walk outside our bedroom, to her room.

"Aliyah." I knock on her door twice. "Come in!" She yells out. I open the door, seeing her chilling on her phone. "Come to the living room, let's talk." I say.

"What about?" She asks.

"The gang." I reply simply, walking out. I plop on the couch, sitting criss cross, Tom walks over sitting next to me and Aliyah sat on the couch beside us.

"A normal kid would've just snitched us out, but you Aliyah, why? Why would you want to join something like this?" Tom says.

She stays silent, looking him up and down. "So?" He shakes his head at her. "Sorry, im never gonna be able to look at you the same way." Aliyah says.

"Oh my god." Tom groans, putting his hands on his head out of annoyance. "Aliyah, this is dangerous. It's not a game." I explain.

"You think it's a game to me? No, I had all day to think about this and I wanna join, so train me." She says.

"But why?" Tom jumps in.

"I don't know maybe because my mother has been deported across fucking state lines and I don't have anything else to fucking live for, ever think about that?" She scoffs, getting up.

"She's not a child Tom, it's time you stop treating her like one." I felt bad for her, no one should have to deal with losing their mother. But here we are.

"Do you know how long it took to train you? And you still haven't even joined fully! By the time she's trained you'll be giving birth. It's a loss both ways." He defends.

"Then, i'll train her." I say. "Oh fuck with that, you know nothing about training a baby, for the real world." Tom says. "Oh." I nod slowly, walking away.

"Wait, I didn't mean that." He sighs, grabbing my hand.

"Seems like you meant it." I laugh, walking back to our room. "Stop, I didn't mean our child, you're taking it out of context." He gets up, getting in-front of me.

"You said what, you said Tom. Don't take it back now."

"I'm not, I love you and you're taking it the wrong way. You know you are Gia." He says. "Maybe I am, or maybe i'm not." I sigh, moving past him.

I get into our bed, turning the lamp off. I cover myself up, getting deeper into the comfy space.

I felt the bed weigh down next to me, Tom wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "You know I didn't mean it that way, so don't take it like that." He kisses my cheek and temple, stroking my stomach.

"I'm scared." I say, plainly.

"Of what baby, tell me of what and i'll make it go away. I wanna make all your fears go away." He continues to kiss down my body, I turn myself to face him.

"Multiple things, the fact that your personality switched overnight and the fact that i'm not sure I even know how to... parent?" I explain.

"I've just realized that i'm becoming a dad, and that I need to do more things to provide." He shrugs. "So you've gone soft?" I smirk. "No, never."

"Okay, tomorrow, 10PM we'll all go to the race. Me you and Aliyah and she can race with us. Been a while since you've done anything gang related." I say.

"Okay, and also, everyone says after you give birth to your baby everything just kind of clicks." He says.

"I hope so baby, I really hope so." I grab his face, giving him a gentle kiss.

"I hope so too."

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