New encounters

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((Ayano's POV))

I wake up as i do everyday, Feeling incomplete. I stand up and grab my toothbrush and face towel. I brush my teeth and wash my face. the water touches my face waking the rest of my body up. I go get my uniform out of the dryer. I grab some underwear and go get in the shower. The water feels warm against my skin yet somehow I still feel cold. 

I got out of the shower and put on my uniform. "Ayano honey! Are you ready? You're gonna be late." My mother said from the kitchen. I notice the time and rush into the kitchen and grab some breakfast. I pop it in my mouth and rush to the door.  "Bye mom, love you!" I say as I rush out the door.

I ran down the street. As I get halfway to the school i turn a corner and bump into someone. I fall to the ground. "Sorry..." I say as the person reaches out their hand to help me up. "It's okay it's not your fault." I look up at the person and see a light skinned boy with charcoal grey eyes, and short, dark hair. He was around average height. I admire him tripping over my words.

"T- Thank you.." I say. What is this, Is this what you call love? I look to the side of him and see a girl staring at me. She had, orange eyes and orange hair tied into twin-tails reaching her knees, with the ends of her hair fading into a light blonde ombré. Her scrunchies, and thigh-high stockings are salmon pink with white polka-dots, and she wears a red bow on the left side of her head. 

She seemed to be interested in me but I ignored it. "U- Um whats your name..."  I say looking back at him blushing. "Taro Yamada! And this is my best friend Osana!" He says as he points at the girl next to him. She looks me up and down then finally speaks. 

"H- Hi..." She says while blushing a bit. "Hey do you go to Akedemi? I see you're wearing the uniform." I say. He nods "Yeah we were just walking there. Would you like to walk with us." He ask me. "Yes I would love to!" I say excitedly. Osana giggles a bit. 

"You sure are excited to go to school. Which is a literal hell hole." She says jokingly almost in a flirting manner. I ignore it thinking i was imagining the flirting part. "Yeah i guess you could say that. We should go before we are late tho." I say trying to get the conversation back on track. They both nod and we start walking to school. 

I learn that taro was in fact still single and that Osana was lesbian so i didn't have to worry about her.  I caught Osana looking at me a few times although i didn't question it. When we arrive at class I sit down in the seat next to taro. 

Taro smiles at me then i notice Osana sitting on the other side of me. She was talking to a girl with pale yellow-toned skin, flushed cheeks, orange-amber eyes, and a soft smile. Her bright orange hair is worn in two slightly curled pigtails. She wore the school uniform. To keep her hair up, she wears ruffled pink and white polka-dotted scrunchies and a purple ribbon, matching with Osana. She also wears black shoes with white loose socks. Osana had told me that that was her best friend. They were talking about some girl but i choose to ignore it and went back to my work.

((Osanas POV))

"Raibaru shes just so pretty, every time I look a her I start blushing and stuttering over my words!" I say to Raibaru. She giggled and leaned in closer to me to make sure no one else heard. "Are you gonna ask her out~" She says teasingly. I begin to blush a lot. I look over at Ayano. I admire her pale skin, dark grey eyes, and straight, long black hair. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail with sharp bangs swept to the right. I get butterflies just by looking at her. She looks up at me and I quickly look away. Class goes by and we leave the school. I see Ayano talking to Taro. She was blushing at him and he was blushing back. My hands balled up as i looked in anger. It was an anger I had never felt before yet it was so overwhelming. It felt as if my love was being snatched away. And i wasn't gonna let that happen. I began to walk over to them but then i got a text. 

???: Hey

Katl0ver: Do i know you?

???: I saw you stalking a classmate today.

Katl0ver: That was a misundertanding!

???: There's no need to play dumb with me. I'm trying to help you. Want some information about the guy she was with?

Katl0ver: I already know who that was. That was Taro my childhood friend...

???:Thats right she has a crush on him.

Katl0ver: I thought so...

???:She's planning to confess to him next Friday...underneath the cherry tree behind the school. There's a myth that if you confess your love someone underneath that tree, the person you confess to can't refuse. 

Katl0ver: Why are you telling me this.

???:I would be happy if something bad happened to Taro-Kun. I think you might be the right person to give him what he deserves.

Katl0ver: Who are you! Why cant i see your user! 

???:Have you ever heard of "Info-chan"?

Katl0ver: Your the girl who blackmails people into getting what she wants...

Info-Chan:That is just the tip of the iceberg. I sell a lot more than just blackmail. I've installed an app on your phone. Take a look.

I go to my apps and see a app appear on my phone. The app had no discription just a photo of a silloute with red hair.

Katl0ver: How did you do that.

Info-Chan:That's not something you need to be concerned with. If you do a few small favors for me, I can offer a wide variety of services that should help you eliminate Taro-kun. Everything you need to know is in that app.

Katl0ver: How do i know you wont rat me out to the police. You do specialize in blackmail how can i trust you..

Info-Chan: If you're not interested in my services. I won't take it personally. Feel free to ignore me. But DON'T ignore Taro-kun. You have one week until she confesses to your precious Ayano. Make him suffer.

I stare at the message's a while longer. i then turn the phone off and put it in my pocket. I look up to see that Ayano and taro already left. I run home. I get to my house and sit on my bed. I open the app and hope that it wasn't the type of eliminate i thought it was. But it was exactly what i thought it was. I read all the options of elimination methods. Burn taro, Poison taro, Frame Taro, Kidnap Taro, Drown Taro, Strangle Taro, Electrocute Taro, Torture Taro. The list just went on and on. I stare at wondering if i could really do it. But then I pictured me and Ayano holding hands, Kissing, going on dates. My cheeks flushed red as i finally was able to mutter some words. 

"She. Will. Be. Mine. She doesn't have a choice"






Word count: 1243

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