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- 3000 years ago -

Geoffrey ran through the trees, dodging left and right. He could hear the heavy footfalls of the creature behind him. He didn't know what kind it was, but it clearly saw him as its next meal. He yelped as something impaled itself in the tree next to him. He dared not look back. His legs already felt like they were filled with stone. He didn't know how much longer he could run. It was then he saw a light through the trees. A campfire. Newfound hope gave him the strength to push on, crashing through the trees. But this hope didn't last long. Before he could even smell the woodsmoke, Geoffrey felt a searing pain in his lower back, and saw the ground rushing to meet him as his legs gave way.

From 20 feet away, Agita slowed to a crawl as he stalked his prey. His muscular form appeared to steam as he got closer to the human. He attributed this to the cold of this part of the world. Far colder than the deserts he was raised in. His tail swished to the side, a fresh spike ready to be thrown should the human get back to his feet. This was Agitas favourite part of the hunt. He could practically smell the fear coming from the human ahead of him, feel its soft flesh beneath his claws. As he approached the human, he reared up on his hind legs, looming over its defeated form, ready to deal the killing blow.

Geoffrey closed his eyes and braced for the demons strike. Seconds passed. The blow never came. Geoffrey opened his eyes, and the demon was nowhere to be seen. He had never heard of a demon giving up a kill, especially an easy one such as himself. Not that he wasn't relieved. He dragged himself along the forest floor towards the campfire. The men around it quickly rushed to his aid, and listened intently as he recounted the demons disappearance. Geoffreys story would join those of many, as around the world, demons disappeared without a trace. No bone nor scale nor drop of blood left behind. It was as if they had never existed in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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