𝐢. calls

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───જ⁀➴       𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻𝚂      𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───
       𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻𝚂      𖥔 ݁ ˖

A POUT ON her face as she rewatched A Series of Unfortunate Events. It has got to be the fourth time she's rewatched this show, and although it makes her blood boil at Mr. Poe's ridiculousness, it stays one of her favorites. It was the moment before Dewey died, and she was in no way prepared for it no matter how many times she's watched the scene. Tears welled up in her eyes, and this was truly devastating for her since Dewey was her favorite.

Exactly a second before his death, her phone rang. A groan escaped her lips, and she didn't know whether it was full of relief or anger. She replied, wiping away a tear that escaped. "Hello?" She asked, her voice barely being heard by who was on the other line.

"Hey," Valeria replied, "What're you doing right now? I'm bored and I want to go out," She then sighed. Aaliyah could hear the background music coming from Valeria's television.

"I'm currently on the verge," The dramatically said, "The love of my life is being killed!" She closed her laptop, now sitting up straight as she put her phone on speaker.

"Which one?" Valeria then asked. Aaliyah rolled her eyes at the masked insult and how dramatic the question was.


"You're watching that damn show again," Valeria cut her off, a gasp escaping her lips.

"So?" She then waited for an answer, but heard nothing. "And how'd you know it wasn't Scream, huh?"

"Because I know you," She laughed.

"Whatever. Is you being bored the only reason you called? You know I won't go out; I don't have the energy to get up from my bed."

"Yes, yes, I know," She groaned, "But Maddie and I wanted to match tomorrow, match with us please,"

Aaliyah smiled, "What're you two wearing?" She got up from her bed tiredly, opening her closet to pick out the clothes.

"Wear blue jeans with the sweater I got us!" She enthusiastically replied, an obvious smile on her face that Aaliyah could picture.

"Will do."

"Great," Valeria said, "See you tomorrow Liyah."

"Bye," She smiled as she ended the call, taking her clothes out and laying them down on her ceiling chair. After doing so, she plopped on her bed and continued the episode, shedding a few unnecessary tears while she was at it. As she was about to call it a night, her phone rang once again.

"When did people start caring about me?" She said half jokingly as she huffed in annoyance, picking up her phone. "What, Dylan?"

"Who died in your movie?" He automatically replied, making her roll her eyes for the second time, but this time with a smile on her face.

"Show, actually, and Dewey did," She paused, "And I was right about to go to bed."

"You never can choose," He then said, confusing her.

"Care to elaborate, Hoffman?" She raised a brow and sat on her bed, placing her phone in front of her as she put it on speaker, then started to twist her hair.

"It's either you sleep or you don't. I never know which one you'll do," He then went on to continue, "I should start a schedule, or better yet, a graph."

"You doing actual work? Not a chance," She chuckled, "And you think you're so funny, huh?"

"I take pride in it, yeah," He smugly replied.

"Okay, anyway," She rolled her eyes once again, learning that her friends love to get on her nerves every once in a while; especially on the same day. "Why'd you call?"

"You know the movie I was in?" He asked, and when he heard a hum from her, he continued, "Do you want to watch it tomorrow?"

"No," She laughed.

"Come on, it'll be fun. You can finally choose something other than me falling that one time while playing soccer to make fun of me for," Dylan persuaded, knowing that Aaliyah would do just about anything to get a good laugh, especially at him.

"I'll think about it," She came to a conclusion, knowing he won't stop asking unless she gave him some sort of answer other than a no.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now goodnight," He said.

"That is not a yes! Dylan, don't you dare go saying to—" Just as she was starting a banter, he ended the call, leaving her frustrated. She hated him at times, but there was no denying he was enjoyable most of the time.

 She hated him at times, but there was no denying he was enjoyable most of the time

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🏹 𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ... !
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ short chapter for now <3

𝖄𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄, 𝐃.𝐇Where stories live. Discover now