Chao's Bio/Story

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Name: Chaos

Hair color: Blonde

Eye Color: Violet/Purple

Height: 4'2 feet

Physical Age: 7

Appearance: A child in a nun outfit, hat and dress. Barefoot. Choker with small metal chain on it around her neck. Appears innocent. (Her wings may able invisible at will, although her shadow may say other wise.)

Status: Immortal, living over 2 centuries undetected.

Ability: fast healing, metal purple wings that grow at will and can change size, a blackish purple fire that may change purple into a blue or red, advanced senses, super strength and super speed. Teleportation, illusions and can transport herself into people's dreamscapes. She can also manipulate cameras to make it look like she was never there.(Can also take energy from living things by stabbing them with her wings; can use energy to evolve into a teenager if she wanted.)

Quote/ Saying: "Do you wanna play dollies with me?" Or "You've been a very bad dolly."

Personality: can pass as a normal 7 year old, only with a few creepy moments and her purple eyes. When she's killing a victim, she's creepy doing it. Says very child statement while her killing a victim, making the child statement creepy as well.

Fact: when being a proxy or member of something, her collar and chain 'imprints' on the leader. Making it known that she would do what ever they tell her. Although if unfair, she will break the chain between them and kill the leader if mortal, burn them alive if immortal and erases all traces of ever being there.

So yea, if you ever meet her, let's just hope you don't.

Fun fact as well: You know how Ben drowned correct? And how he is a digital spirit or something of the sort? Well, when it rained for Chaos, it caused her not only to be made of flesh and bones; she came back like half robotic.


Chao's story of how she became a pasta;

Chaos was a young girl with a uncaring mother and a abusive father. With a life filled with violence and her parents being strict with religious casualties, she found comfort with playing in her rooming with dolls she played with.

The neighborhood did know of what was happening to little chaos, but didn't do anything because to them, she was weird.

Chaos was always a bit morbid, and in a way it was what made her parents hate her so much.

One day, chaos was carving words into the walls with the sharp end of a piece of wood, singing a lullaby she heard a mother sing to her baby at a festival once.

Chaos' mind was blank, she carved words into the wall that was not understandable and only she knew what it meant.

Suddenly her room door was slammed open. Her drunken mother and father barging in and sneering.

Chaos flinched at the sound, tensing open at the movement. Looking at her parents, she brought the doll she found before close to her chest and looked up at the people who was supposed to love her. And yet, it was the complete opposite.

Her mother marched straight up to her and sneered, taking her dolly with one hand and she held it away from Chaos. Chaos yelping when her father grabbed her by her forearm roughly.

"Where did you get this?~" chaos mothers slurred and glared at the rugged doll.

"It's mine! Give it back!" Chaos cried as her eyes watered.

That doll was her only friend, and now it was in her evil parents hands. Although it was rugged and tattered, it was still her best friend and been at her side for as long as she could remember. The doll was a bunny shaped one she was able to get from the shack down the trail.

Chaos father slapped her roughly on her face, causing her head to whip to the side as the pain erupted again.

"Answer us! You devil child, where did you get this~" he said roughly and not as drunk as her mother.

Chaos cried as her felt her blonde hair get pulled back as her mother started to drag her to the dark and dirty cellar, chaos kicking and screaming all the way.

"It doesn't matter Henry! Let's just get this demon out of our lives once and for all." Lassie, her mother, slurred and grinned sloppy as she pulled chaos down into the cellar of their small house.

Getting pulled into the cellar, Chaos eyes widened in fear. She only went down here if she was getting an extra special beating and a spray of holy water. The cellar was dark, cold and dirty. The floor was all dirt and the walls a cold stone. On the walls was dozens of crosses and on left was a huge bookcase, only filled with what her mother called 'holy books.' On the right was two desks with her parents work laid on and a big wardrobe in the right side corner.

Inside was filled with old, leather whips, small daggers, holy water, lemon juice, and a bush of thorns. There was also a few old rusty chains inside.

Chaos cried out in pain as her mother shoved her onto the floor and besides the back wall; where she got her beatings. Today was different though, and her father grabbed an old steel cuff that was connected to a chain and snapped it on chaos neck.

Chaos was being choked by the chain. And the poor child accepted it. She didn't know what love was, and believed this was how her parents showed their love. So she took as much of it as she could.

For the next few hours, Chaos was whipped and her chain was pulled at painfully. Her small 7 year old body filled with pain. Her purple eyes looked up at her parents and smiled weakly. Her eyes starting to see a few hallucinations. Her father didn't take it, and with her steel collar and chain on her neck, her father pulled on it roughly. Chaos back was whipped to shreds the blood coated the floor and chaos laid there with her blood. Her eyes filled with black spots as she passed out.

Durning that time, she was dragged out of the house and out on the front yard. Her parents standing over her unconscious body as people slowly started exiting their homes. Faces filled with disgust towards the girl, only some mothers had the disgust at the parents and horror to the girl on the ground.

Pulling on her chain, her father rode out, and lifted the girl on a tree branch. And in a swift movement, chaos was hanged by her own chain, eyes opening wide as she was quickly murdered and died in front of the whole neighborhood. The skies had started to rain and people left in horror or even disgust.

That month, as it rained again, a figure appears on front of the street in front of Lassie and Henry's home. In a nun outfit, chaos stood there. Still with the collar and chain around her neck as she walked into her parents house.

Opening the door, she had grinned at the horror struck and fearful faces. She closed the door behind her with her small hands and looked at her parents.

"What is love, mommy?" She asked as she walked closer to her, metal wings taking place on her back, "you hit me because you love me, right?" She asked her father.

She floated with her wings on her back as she looked at them, "you wanna be my dollies?"

Her parents backed away, fearful. They shook their heads sharply. Chaos giggled and narrowed her eyes.

"You've been very bad dollies~" she giggled as her hands caught fire and started to burn the walls of the house. "Let me show you my love."


That night, it was impossible to not see the burning of their house or the smell of blood and flesh burning or even the screams of Lassie and Henry Loid.

This was not a one-shot there is more to come

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