Act One

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A door covered in gold and skulls stood twelve inches tall, there was a slight echo of two voices murmuring behind the door, the hall before it was dimly lit and the atmosphere was quiet, two women stood by the door, one in anticipation, she was the servant, Sylvia, the other seemed to stare coldly, her silhouette was slim but curvy, her coffee beaned skin was smooth, with freckles, her hair a frosty blue white, something she received from her late mother, the princess, Kyanite Zinc. "Something bothering you, Sylvia?" Kyanite hissed. "No, my lady." Sylvia muttered. "Then fix your composure, you know Lord Zeolite hates those who cower in fear." Kyanite replied. " lady." Sylvia whispered. The door slowly opened to reveal, Malachite, her older brother by two minutes. He gave her a stern look of disappointment, before nodding with a slight smile. "Sister." He scoffed. Kyanite smiled back deviously. "My dearest brother." She nodded back. He turned and walked down the hallway not even giving Sylvia a glance. A deep voice boomed from the slightly opened door, Zeolite, her father called for her. "Kyanite, come." He spoke. Kyanite eyed Sylvia before walking in, Sylvia followed behind silently. They bowed to Zeolite. "My lord, you called for me." She spoke. Zeolite smirked. "The war is getting out of my control, as much as I hate to say that, the prisoner is starting to talk, the angels have planned to eradicate us with some gem their god has made, it's a powerful tool, enough to kill me, I need you to go to Earth and destroy this gem, find it and you shall have your wish granted. What was it you wanted? Freedom to travel the realms whenever? Fine, you may have that when you destroy this gem." Kyanite smiled. "My lord, I will do anything to make you win this war, tell me how I need to do things, and I will do that, tell me what to do, and I shall do that." Kyanite boasted. Lord Zeolite laughed. "Good, good, do this for me and you shall have your wish. Take Sylvia with you to Earth, you both will do good together, the portal will take you there, also your brother, has gotten a head start, do not disappoint me. You may leave." He shooed them away with his hand. Kyanite turned and frowned. She wanted to protest her brother doing the same mission she had been sent to do, but if she destroyed the gem first, she could win father's approval.

As Kyanite walks down the hall leading to the portal, she passes by a rusted wall, it was torn apart with some drawings on it, the work of children. Kyanite smiles sadly. She focused on a drawing of an apple that had a line through it. Kyanite put her hand on the wall, running her finger down the line on the apple. "Malachite." She whispered. In the back of her mind she could see the memory clear. A young Malachite, and a young Kyanite sat by the wall, which was new in color and barely scratched. "Here, let me show you something." Young Malachite says. He scribbles in a circle with a knife against the wall, making it into an apple. "I have an apple, little sister." Young Malachite says happily. "Okay, I want one." Young Kyanite says sadly. "Well, there's only one apple here sister, what should we do?" Young Malachite said. "I don't know, if there's only one and it's yours, then I can't have one." Young Kyanite says. Young Malachite shakes his head. "There's always a solution to a problem sister." He took the knife and made a line down the apple. "There now you can have some of the apple too!" Young Malachite said. They giggled together as they pretended to eat an apple. Kyanite's memory was cut short by Sylvia who placed her hand on her back. "My lady, we must move, the portal is ready." Sylvia said. Kyanite stopped smiling. "Of course, Sylvia." The two walked further down the hall and into the room of time where they walked through a golden fiery light.

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