Chapter 25: The Secret That Was Never a Secret (Part 2)

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"So whatever you do, those who had fear of God will continue to fear God themselves and will continue to scare our family members as well. Now what should be done so that the people of the society continue to believe in God and also overcome their sorrows and problems." Bharat Kumar said firmly.

Bharat Kumar, who is famous for his concentration, repeated his question and turned the direction of the Satsang from laughter to seriousness again.

"You were right Bharat Kumar; there is no harm in believing in God. That's why let the family members believe in God. You just keep reminding them of two things from time to time. The first is that God is the parent, so there is no need to be afraid of Him. Ardent devotees of God tell you that if you don't do such and such work in the name of God, God will get angry. Then hold them and make them sit comfortably and ask whether God is our enemy. Keep looking for excuses to be angry with us..." Batuk said and everyone laughed.

Batuk also laughed seeing their laughter.

"According to this, our Foofaa ji (son-in-law of grandparents) is an incarnation of God. He is always angry with us." said a prankster boy.

Looking at the prankster boy, it seemed that he had been holding back his prankster nature for a long time.

"Even if they don't agree then tell them that it is between us and God. We will deal with each other; don't behave like a middleman. If God really loves me, if God really considers me as his child, then he will forgive even my biggest mistake and will never harm me like enemies, because children insult their parents to the max, yet parents do not do any bad to their children. If any parent does this, then understand that they are not real parents. Just like that..." Batuk paused.

Batuk wanted the audience to fulfill his words.

"...If God really existed..." In the beginning, some started speaking.

"...he would never get angry with us and harm us." by the end, all spoke together.

Batuk was very happy to see the wise of every age of Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

"And second thing?" Bharat Kumar again showed his concentration by asking.

Batuk was also influenced by Bharat Kumar.

"Secondly, make your family members understand that God is Almighty. Ask him for medicine for every disease, he will give it. Ask him for the solution to all your troubles and he will give it. God resides in every particle, so there is no need to go to any temple, mosque, church, or holy river to get the grace of God. Wherever there is trouble, stand there and call God for help, God will come to help. Trust your Almighty God then he will fulfill your wishes. This would mean that they would not leave the thread of their lives in the hands of fate, pundits, clerics, or priests. No one will be able to mislead them by Saying they are having problems due to their destiny, or your fate is totally bad or everything is the result of your past lives. Tell them that if fate, past birth, or karma of current birth can give sorrows in this life, then your Almighty God can also cut off all kinds of sorrows. Otherwise, stop calling him Almighty. The Almighty has to behave like the Almighty; otherwise, he cannot call himself Almighty." Batuk explained lovingly.

Bharat Kumar understood the point, while many others laughed. Everyone has understood that this time when they will go to their respective homes, how they will tackle their family members.

"Wouldn't it be blasphemy to do so? because many people do not listen to the condemnation of God. "An aacharya asked Batuk.

At first, Batuk was startled, but then he understood that aacharya was asking that question for the children.

"Aacharya, you have asked a very good question. Friends, first of all, understand that the person who cannot bear the condemnation of God does not believe in God himself. He does not consider God to be Almighty, rather he considers God to be a mere human being.' Batuk said.

Everyone was surprised to hear so.

"I give examples. If a person criticizes the Sun, will those who believe in the Sun say bad things about that person? No, because they know that person does not have the status to criticize the Sun. They would laugh at that person and say go and get treatment from Vaidya ji." Batuk explained by giving a precise example, at that time even Bharat Kumar laughed.

"Now think what will the Sun do when he gets criticism? Will the Sun stop giving its light and sunshine to that person? No, there will be no change in the behavior of the Sun. This nobility of the Sun makes him more special than ordinary. When the Sun doesn't care about its condemnation, will God care about its condemnation? Who has made billions of solar planets like the Sun? Not at all. That's why no God gets angry with his condemnation. That's why any person who truly believes in God will never misbehave with someone who blasphemes God. He will only say with a smile that God gives you wisdom. God bless you." Batuk replied with great affection.

Hearing so, the pradhanaacharya could not stop himself from clapping. Seeing him, others also clapped.

Batuk gladly accepted the greeting.

"Yes pradhanaacharya, I have met many people who have strong faith in God. They never say anything to those who criticize God. When I asked, they said that these people have no status to say something bad to God. If they are speaking bad words to God, then we must understand that God Himself ordered them to speak bad words, because not even a leaf moves against God's will, so how could they have opened their mouth? They are able to speak because God wants them all to speak like this. Now who am I to stop God from fulfilling his wish." Batuk told the principal.

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