Chapter 25: The Secret That Was Never a Secret (Part 8)

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Now everyone's eyes were on Bharat Kumar, if he accepted the answer then the matter would be confirmed otherwise the discussion would continue.

"If instead of imitating the information given by Gurudev, you had asked Mother Nature for qualities by paying attention to learning and understanding, then by using those qualities, you would have achieved what you did at the age of thirty in twenty-two years, because the secret of your phenomenal progress is hidden in the wishes of your wife. The same wife you got in your twenty-second year. The events which happened six years ago, the same events could have happened in the twenty-second year as well" Bharat Kumar said thinking.

"You are absolutely right," Batuk said happily.

Bharat Kumar indicated that there was no longer any doubt left in his mind. Ask for a wish from Mother Nature. Then walk on the righteous path. Man has to do only this much, Mother Nature herself will take care of everything else. To achieve so either she has to perform a small miracle or a big miracle.

"Today, like Gurudev, I am telling you all the same through two principles by giving the example of my story. Now everything is in your hands. Waste it or use it sparingly. It will be your decision because this is your life." Batuk said and once again he finished his narration.

Batuk took his place intending to give rest to his tongue and his legs.

Pradhanaacharya Deependra himself got up and clapped for Batuk. Only then do the students immersed in thought understand that the narration of Seth Batukeshwara has ended? Everyone else clapped for Batuk with full enthusiasm.

Batuk's three friends got up and left amidst the sound of applause. Some of the younger students, when they saw them sneaking away, followed them.

All three started meditating sitting in a room.

From the words of Batuk, they understood how to fulfill their wishes quickly. But what are their wishes? They could not understand that. Their mind wanted many things which the conscience stopped.

Therefore, like Batuk, they chose the path of meditation. They wanted to know what they were, because all three knew that they were neither traders like Batuk, nor were they destined to be mere agriculturalists.

The little kids were wondering why all three of them were smiling with their eyes closed.

"I wanted to become a musician, not a timber merchant. So many tunes keep coming into my mind. I did research on music in Gurukul. I get happiness only in music, so why did I get caught up in money? Earlier there was a desire for timber business and after becoming an advisor on agriculture, I sat down." Dev told him his mistake.

"I wanted to be a handicraftsman since childhood. But I knew that handicraftsmen were not rich. To solve the problem of money, Mother Nature made me a farming advisor. But I remained there because I forgot my main desire. Now I will not repeat this mistake." Jagdeesh decided to rectify his mistake.

"On the third day of the Gurukul itself, I had announced that I would become the most famous aacharya of the Gurukul. This was the reason why I sought the root of everything. By making myself a scientist, I kept gathering all kinds of knowledge. Now the time has come to share this knowledge with everyone." Rasik also told his secret.

All three were talking here, while Batuk was about to have a strange conversation with the pradhanaacharya.

"Are men having a monopoly on Gurukul's education? Don't women have the desire to get knowledge? Are their minds not capable of handling knowledge? Why has Mother Nature given women the same brain as men?"

The pradhanaacharya Deependra was very badly shocked by Batuk's questions. He had never thought about this in his life. The irony was he had a wife and daughters too.

Batuk's every question was accurate.

"Shishya, stay blessed! Today you have educated your aacharya as well. I promised not to repeat this mistake anymore. Daughters will also be educated in a Gurukul." pradhanaacharya said accepting his mistake.

"Look at this my dear wife; this wish of yours has also been fulfilled. Along with our son, our daughter will also get an education in a Gurukul." Batuk said in his mind.

Then Batuk immediately thanked Gurudev, Mother Nature, and Father Thought.

"Gurudev, can't our Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul have branches in all four directions? I have found during my travels that many people do not even know about this Gurukul, and some are really unable to reach it here. Don't they have the right to the knowledge of the Gurukul?" Batuk asked.

The pradhanaacharya Deependra was shocked for the second time by the question of Batuk. They were discussing when all the three friends came there.

"Gurudev, Batuk is right. Think that one Batuk has done so much, so what can many Batuks do?" Dev said proudly.

"Why only Batuk, Devendera, whatever all three of you have done is not an ordinary thing. When an illiterate becomes educated, it creates immense possibilities. Almost all the shishyas of Gurukul have given such concepts in the society." The pradhanaacharya said while giving importance to all three as well as each shishya of the Uttarasaadhaka Gurukul.

"If it is so, then Gurudev please give me the order to build a new Gurukul." Jagdeesh requested.

"Only, we will all do it together. Now even two formulas have come to our hands, with the help of which we will do wonders. And by the way, we are not talking about only one new Gurukul." Rasik shared his views.

The pradhanaacharya became emotional after hearing the words of all four.

"Shishyas, you may not know the name of the aacharya who built this Gurukul. He was the greatest aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri. Today his image is visible in all four of you. I am sure that you guys will continue to win the battle which was started by aacharya Krishna Chandra Shastri. He had taken up the task of solving the oldest and biggest problem in the world. The one to which we do not give much importance. That which is the root of all evils....poverty...." The pradhanaacharya said emotionally.

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