Chapter 1:meeting alea

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"Oww"screamed Alea as her mom Natalia slapped her across her face,with her Boney hand."Shut up you ugly fat pig I'm better and prettier than you and you know it"!Alea's face was as red as a tomato. "Yes ma ma mam I'm s sorry". she said stuttering."Sorry is a sorry word dumbo" . Her mom did all kinds of drugs like cocaine and pot. Alea was very nice at school towards her teachers and classmates. Her mom did the drugs in front of her her everyday. She cried herself to sleep every night of the week except for the weekend. Why? you ask. She has a very special best friend,and her name is Jessica Calabreese. She always rode the bus home with Jessica every Friday. My mom always has her boyfriend's at home when she was there or wasn't. Alea went on every vacation with Jessica's family,wise or not. They didn't mind. There wasn't a time Alea could recall,when her mom had no drugs in her system. Jessica knew all of the hurtful things Natalia did to Alea and herself. It has been this way since kindergarten but they didn't know what drugs were. Alea's dad David died in the army. Her mom didn't care that he died because she had so many other men at the house all the time. Jessica came to the funeral with her mom and dad to pay their respects.

Chapter 2:CAN I TELL!?!?!?

Jessica asked Alea a question quietly. "Can I tell my parents what your mom do to you and herself? Alea froze. "NO" shouted Alea. Jessica's mom Lily pushed open the door very quickly. "IS EVERY THING ALL RIGHT". She yelled in a very panicked voice. "I'm okay,I do this sometimes when I daydream". Lied Alea. "Oh okay,just making sure you girls are okay". She shuts the door on her way out. Then she opened up the door again. "Oh I forgot,we are having Mac,n,cheese,buffalo wings,and couscous". "Yummy"they both said looking at each other with a grin. She shut the door to start cooking. Why can't I tell?asked Jessica. "Do you know what they will do to me"? Alea said. "Yes matter of fact I do". She said. Then what will they do then"? "They will take you away from your mom,and that is great"! She said "Also,away from drugs and she will go to prison". "Yes, and I will go to another family away from yours. Said Alea. "Oh I see your scared to be away from me". Jessica said. Lily quietly cracked open the door as the girls were on,the bay window bench facing the window and she listened. "But your mom is on drugs,and she might put some in your food or drinks". Jessica please don't tell your mom,I would miss you". "Alot". "Tone it down before my mom hears us". I already heard enough. Says Lily in her head. She quietly knocked on the door the girls turned around. "Dinner is done". David was still at work her works till 1:45 a.m. in the morning. "Ok smells delicious". Said Alea. They all fixed there plates. Alea was the first to sit at the table. Alea's mom Natalia tells Alea how more important she is than Alea and she,could get out if she didn't like it. She said mean and hurtful things to Alea. She called her a slut. She thought and thought about committing suicide. Natalia increased this thought. Is Sunday and they all go to church. David is at home in bed due to his job. He goes back to work at three o'clock. After church,the girls decide to watch a movie:The Bridge To Teribithia. "I love this movie" said Alea. "Me to"said Jessica. After the movie,they decide to go out to eat at dinner. "Girls where do you want to go eat there's taco bell,McDonald's,Frishes big boy,Long John silver's"." Let's let our guest pick Jessica"."Okay what do you want to eat Alea"? "Umm...". She started out. "McDonald's if that's fine with you miss Calabreese". Lily looked at her in surprise. Alea had never called her miss Calabreese! "Umm.....sure if that's your choice". "Okay". Replied Alea. It was a 10 minute drive." What do you girls want to eat"? Lily asked. "I would like a Big Mac with no onions please and a sprite". Said Alea. "I would like two mc chickens please with extra mayo on it and a Dr.pepper". Replied Jessica. "I would like two Big Mac's and a large fry with a drink ok Coca-Cola ". Said Lily. They ate in about 20 minutes for them to eat. "Were taking a trip to the mall"!!! Yelled Lily in the car. She covered her mouth after. She uncovered it. "Sorry girls I get carried away when we go to the mall". "You each get three outfits and you have $50". "Cool with me"said Jessica. "What she said". Answered Alea. They arrived at the mall in thirty minutes. It was twenty three minutes from McDonald's. "Don't spend it so fast girls". Said Lily. "Let's look in all of the store's first then we will buy them". Said Lily. "Ok". They both said. "You can also get $20 dollars worth of things like stuffed animals,backpacks,hand sanitizer,lotion and stuff like that and oh food to". "Ok". They both said again. "Shall we go now"? Said Jessica. "We shall". Said Lily and Alea. "Well we should look". Said Lily. It took them about two hours and a half. They both found the clothes they wanted. "Time to get you home Alea". Said Lily. "Yes it is". She agreed. Alea lived three blocks away from Jessica and her mom Lily. It was an hour and a half before they got back in town. Back to hell. Said Alea's emotions. "Here you are". Lily said. "Ok,thanks for everything,and I mean it"! She said. "See Ya this Friday"! Lily yelled as Alea walked away from the car. "Ok see Ya then". She said.

Chapter:3 back home (hell)

When Alea got in the house,her mom was smoking pot,and making love on the dinner table. "Harder harder". Natalia yelled. Her legs were all opened and everything. The dude banged harder and harder till you could here his nuts and penis hitting her. He wiggled it everywhere. "Why don't you do that in the bed"? Alea asked quietly. "Shut up you ugly fat pig"!! "No I will not shut up"!! Yelled Alea at the top of her lungs. Here mom got up. She's gave Alea a black eye. Alea said nothing. She starred at her mom with the eye that wasn't black and shut. "Let's get back to it bae"! Alea went in her room. She played with her baby doll named Hillary. Alea prayed and prayed that God was with her. "Come on we are going to your uncle's house so I can bang him too". Said Natalia. "Oh geez,what's new"! Alea whispered to herself. Her mom was snorting cocaine and smoking pot. "How can you drive when you are high"? Asked Alea. "Shut up slut"! She turned around and slapped Alea across her cheek. Still she said nothing. We were going to uncle Phil's house my dad's brother. That's just wrong. I say to myself. My dad died but if he was alive that would be different. I say in my head. It took three hours before we left.

Chapter:4 Cps

When we got home, I saw a car that said Cps. I looked at each word and it said child protection services. A lady got out of the car. There were police there to. She asked me questions. She and I went in the house. "Hi Mrs.Penelope". I said in a kind voice. "Hi,what's your name"? Penelope asked. "My name is Alea Marie Cottongim". "Beautiful name". She said. I smiled and said "thanks". "What happened to your eye"? She questioned. "My mom punched me in it". "Does your mom call you names"? She questioned again. "Yes". "What does she call you"? She asked. "Let's see there's slut,bitch,fat,pig,ugly,and ass hole". Explained Alea. "Oh can I take pictures of your black eye sweetie"? She asked. "Yes you may". "Well thanks for cooperating with me sweetie"! She said very energetically. "Bye now". I give her a wave. "No your coming with me to an foster home for a week,then you go to a orphanage in town". She said to me. Could it be true,did Jessica tell her parents? I was so heated. I hated her now! I said it all in my head. Her parents called Cps. Alea's mom was in the back seat of a police car handcuffed. She looked at Alea in discuss. "Slut". Said Natalia. "You shut your fucking mouth"!! I did it! I finally had the guts to say that to her! She was then taken to prison for child abuse. I was taken to a one week foster family. I didn't talk at all only when I wanted. I didn't want them to adopt me. I wanted to push Jessica down for telling them. Later that day,I saw Jessica and her mom come to the orphanage. I looked at her with a mean look.

Chapter 5: Adoption
I gave her the come here finger. She ran over to me. "Your a bad friend,you told your mom and she called Cps and,now look what it's come to". "No"! She sort of shouted. "You know when we were at the bay window"? "Ya". I said. "Well when we were facing the window,she was eavesdropping on us and called them". Her mom was talking to a man all the way across the room. " swear"? I asked desperately wanting to know. "Ya, I'll go by my mom and see what she is saying". Jessica was over there for about five minutes until she came back. She ran as fast as a tiger back to me. "My mom".She said gasping for a breath. "My mom was talking about adopting you"!!! She said in a yelling whisper voice. "Wow". I said in surprise. I can't believe it. I say in my head. Lily approached the two girl's. "Good news Jessica and Alea, I will be adopting you today!!! "Yay"! I say pretending to be surprised already knowing. So Jessica and Lily took Alea home. Lily and David have the same room now,so I get David's old blue room,that I'm gonna paint purple. When I was adopted,I was so happy knowing I would not be hit on purpose again.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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