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Katey p.o.v
That night I sat at home watching tv when I heard a knock at my door I frown it was 9:30 at night who could it possibly be?

I walk over unlocking the door but leaving the safety chain attached to reveal Happy "hey I know it's late and this is weird.." he states and I frown "are you okay" I ask and he looks at me we a look of pain but it's gone before I can even focus on it "it's been a long day I just ... I didn't want to go to the clubhouse because the boys are drinking usually I would go to my ma's house but..." I shut the door and unlock the security chain before re opening Happy confused me he was so stand offish with his emotions but he intrigues me "come in Happy" he nods and steps inside shutting the door behind him locking it never taking his eyes off me. Before I can say anything he slams his lips against mine kissing me roughy but somehow at the same time with a touch of softness as our tongues dance together he bites my lip gently making me whimper before he pulls away with a smirk "as much as I'd like to continue..." I begin to say but then his lips found my neck "you were saying?" Happy asks in between kisses making me grip his shoulders I begin to ignore my mental voice telling me to stop and lean into his whispering in his ear "make me scream Happy"

The next morning I woke up in Happys arms  with the sun shining in through the window and his phone ringing continuously I shake him slightly and his arms tighten around me "Happy your phone" I mumble and he sighs kissing me softly before pulling ...

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The next morning I woke up in Happys arms  with the sun shining in through the window and his phone ringing continuously I shake him slightly and his arms tighten around me "Happy your phone" I mumble and he sighs kissing me softly before pulling away and answering his phone "yeah?"  I  slip out of the bed walking towards the bathroom and jumping in the shower, I wasn't sure what had over come me last night but there was no turning back no I had slept with Happy and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the best sex I've ever had.

I let the water run over my body sighing happily as it washes away the memories of last night away.
Every kiss
Every touch
It was almost addictive.

I feel arms snake around my waist as he kisses my neck "I've gotta go into TM" he mumbles against my skin and I hum softly "I'm meeting Tara for coffee" he spins me around so I'm facing him trapping me between his arms as the water runs over our bodies "are you working tonight?" He asks and I shrug "I'm going in to check on your mum but other than that no" he captures my lips with his kissing me softly as I melt into his arms before he pulls away.

I stand in my kitchen waiting for Tara as Happy quickly drinks a coffee before I hear a light knock on the door I open it revealing Tara and Thomas "hey, sorry I'm late Thomas I as so fussy this morning" she states as she walks in and I steal the toddler off her kissing his cheek as he giggles "it's fine" I say with a smile before Happy walks around the corner making her jaw drop he nods to her saying goodmorning before kissing me softly "I gotta go, you stay out of trouble" I nod and he leaves the second the door shuts I look at Tara who has a knowing smirk "spill I want details now!"

We sit at a coffee shop in charming and I shrug "I honestly don't know what it means Tara, he just showed up last night and I guess it just happened" she shakes her head sipping her chai "Kate I don't think you realise Happy doesn't chase after girls" she smirks "how was he in bed?" I feel my cheeks heat up and I smile softly "Tara-" she scoffs "oh cmon Katey you haven't hooked up with anyone since you moved here let me have this , give me details!" I laugh nodding "okay okay .... He was amazing I've never had sex like that" she grins widely sighing "I actually have a secret to tell you" and I raise an eyebrow and she digs through her handbag before finding what she was looking for and handing it to me.

I look at it , it was a ring my eyes widen .. THE ring!

I look straight back at her and she's grinning "I told you Jax proposed, I bought my ring for you to see it" I squeal happily "get out of here T why aren't your wearing this it's gorgeous!" She giggles shushing me "no one knows I want to keep it a bit of a secret" I shake my head grinning "I can't believe it!" She laughs and quickly puts the ring back into her bag "your coming this weekend right?" She asks and I smile this weekend Lyla and Opie were getting married "Lyla told me to be at her house by 7am I don't think any of us are escaping it" she laughs shaking her head "Gemma has the crow eatters cooking from 6am aswell" she states rolling her eyes I sigh happily "it will be perfect for them" she nods in agreement " I know Kenny and Ellie can't wait they haven't stopped talking about it"

After we finish our coffee's we part ways and I head back home to get changed and head to the hospital to check up on Mrs Lowman.

I N N O C E N T - A Sons Of Anarchy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now