Beach house

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It was silent, the only audible thing was the waves crashing on the shoreline. Neither spoke, until Pildo looked down at the burn on Jiwoo's chest. "Choi Mujin put a tattoo on my chest, I burned it off" Jiwoo said, turning her head to look at him. Pildo looked at the burn then tightened his grip around her shoulders. "You and I chose different directions.." She said somberly, not knowing what else to say. "Let's catch him, together. Let's judge him with the law instead of killing him, It's what your dad would want." Pildo said before kissing her cheek. Jiwoo closed her eyes, enjoying his lips on her cheek. "What's going to happen to me now?" Jiwoo asked, almost as if knowing what the answer was going to be. "That's up to the court to decide." Pildo responds, "But at the same time, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know you were just a pawn for his game." Pildo finishes, leaning his head against hers.

A few minutes later, Pildo and Jiwoo parted from their spots near the window, Pildo was sitting on a chair feeding the dying fire in the furnace, and Jiwoo was gathering their clothes that were hastily discarded after their heated interaction a few hours before, pulling on her shirt and folding her pants neatly and placing them on the window cill, She did the same with Pildo's clothing. Pildo decided to go out and fill up the car's gas tank since they would need it the next day. By the time he came back, Jiwoo was already asleep, she's had a very tough day, so Pildo let her rest.

A few hours later, Jiwoo awoke to same nightmare she'd been having every night, but instead of waking up alone and to an empty house, Jiwoo woke to gentle calloused hands soothingly wrapping around her. "You okay?" Pildo asked, rubbing circles on her back. "Yeah..Just a nightmare..same one I've had every night..." Jiwoo quietly responded, Pildo placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and guided her to lie back down. "You're going to be fine..I promise" Pildo muttered and lied back down.

Jiwoo awoke to the effervescent white morning sunlight gently looming over her face. She turned her head to see Pildo asleep peacefully. Jiwoo lightly caressed Pildo's cheek before getting out of bed and dressing. After she got dressed, she decided to stand by the shoreline and just take everything in. Not long after Pildo awoke, extending his arm toward the very spot Jiwoo had lied in, at not feeling her arm or torso he shot up, and quickly dressed. After he dressed, he ran out of the beach house only to see Jiwoo standing at the shoreline. "Did you think I left?" Jiwoo asked with a small smile on her face. "I got scared" Pildo responded honestly. "Don't be scared, we're cops aren't we" Jiwoo replied with a bit of sarcasm in her voice, to which Pildo let out a small chuckle. Jiwoo then reached for and held Pildo's hand, "Let's go" Jiwoo says with a small sigh, to which Pildo nods and leads her to the car.

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