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"Tom!" I poke and prod his arm. He groans, squeezing my tit.

"What the fuck!" I try to take his hand off but he continues to squeeze harder. "Tom, it's starting to hurt let go!" I whine.

Tom takes the straps of my tank top off, kissing my boobs. "Snap out of it." I send a harsh slap to the back of his head. "AH!" He screams jumping back.

I lift the straps of my tank top up, pulling him into a hug. He glances at the window, seeing the moon still out. "It's still dark out?! Why are you waking me up."

"Because, i've gotten the sudden craving for ice cream!" I giggle, interlocking my hands within his hair.

"Well, shove the craving down till morning." He snuggles his face into my cleavage.

"I'm the mother of your childern!" I put my palm on his forehead, pushing him away. "What time is it." He sighs. "Like 3 am." I say checking my phone.

"Where are you supposed to get ice cream and 3 am Gigi." Tom looks at me dumbfounded. "Mcdonald's duh." I reply. "Can't you just, wait please." Tom kisses my cheeks. "No, get up!" I smack his ass.

"Stop smacking me, before I smack you!" Tom gets up out of bed. "You wouldn't dare to smack the mother of your childern." I gasp, dramatically.

"You're right lil mama, I wouldn't." I wiggle my brows looking at his boner. "Why is it hard." I point to his dick. "I don't know." He shrugs walking away.

"You're all around me lil mama! In my dreams I see you sucking me off!" Tom yells from the bathroom. "Enough with the lil mama!" I shout.

"Never!" He shouts back. "Shut the fuck up!" Aliyah yells from her room, why is she still up.

"You shut up!" I scream. "Bitch! Why are you yelling at the top of your lungs at 3 in the morning!"

"Tom had a sex dream!"

I could hear door slam shut, she walks into our room. "Why." She crosses her arms. "Why what?" I ask.

"Why are you telling me this." Aliyah tilts her head a bit. "Don't know, felt a little silly I guess.." I shrug my shoulders. She stares at me blankly.

"Anywho! We're getting McFlurries, wanna come?" I smile childishly. "Oh sure! I'll come with you to mcdonald's at three in the fucking morning for some ice cream, why not!" Aliyah says sarcastically.

"So that's a no then?" I squint at her. "Yes." She nods. "So, yes or no, i'm confused." I say.

"NO!" She yells, walking out of my room. Slamming the door shut. If I was her I would've taken free ice cream anything but okay.


"Two McFlurries please." Tom speaks, leaning his head out the window.

"Sorry the ice cream machine is broken." She apologizes, Tom bites his bottom lip looking to me. I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes.

I was pregnant, hormonal and really craving ice cream.

"Just drive." I hide back a sob. "You don't want fries. or something?" He asks. "Just fucking drive." I put my head in my knees, sobbing.

"Gia, don't cry." Tom pouts at me. "Just drive!" I yell pointing to the road as tears fall out of my eyes.

Tom swerves out the drive thru, driving on the main road. "Where now?" He looks to me sympathetically.
"I don't know, just go home." I sniffle, leaning my head against the window.

Tom sighs parking his car to the side, I suddenly heard his door shut. What?

He walks over to my door opening it, he kneels to my level, Tom unbuckles my seatbelt hugging me. "It's just ice cream, don't cry." He hugs me.

"I really wanted it Tom, I was craving it." I sniffle against his shoulder. "I'll get you ice cream in the morning when the shops are open!" He suggests.

"No, it won't be the same. Just take me home." I shake my head, sulking into my seat.

The other Mcdonald's that was open at this out was like an hour away, I wasn't gonna make him drive that long for some ice cream.

He kisses my forehead, making his way back to the drivers seat.

I watch the stop lights as we drive. The speed bumps making my head hit the window softly, but continuously.

I then realize it had been about 45 minutes since we left the Mcdonald's. I furrow my brows at the road, looking back to Tom.

"Where the hell are we?" I wipe some fallen tears away.  "I'm getting you your McFlurry." Tom focuses his gaze on the road.

My fallen face starts to arise into a excited one. "Oh my god!" I squeal, jittering my feet.

"I still can't get over how excited you are over." Tom snickers, licking his bottom lip. I grab his face, giving him a million kisses as he drives on the empty road.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I say each one in-between kisses. "I'm driving mama, calm down." Tom leans forward in his seat.

"Say it back." I pout, grabbing his neck. "I love you too Gia, so much." Tom turns his face, giving me a quick kiss before turning his gaze back to the road.


They hand Tom the McFlurries through the window, he gives me mine first, I giggle to myself, finally getting to eat what i've craved most.

Tom goes to the parking lot, switching the car to park. He eats his ice cream, staring at me as I devour mine. I get out of the car, going to the other side.

I sit on Tom's lap, as I eat my ice cream.

I give him a kiss, tasting the same delightful taste of Oreos from his tongue onto mine. "Mm." I hum, before pulling away. Continuing to eat.

I finish my ice cream huffing, I place it in the cup holder, staring at Tom as he eats his. I bite my bottom lip sadly, realizing my McFlurry journey had came to an end.

He notices my stare on him. "Do you want a bite?" He asks putting it up to my mouth.

"If you don't mind." I say turning my head a little, he brings the spoon closer to my lips, I part my mouth slightly eating it off his spoon.

Tom kisses my cheek, giving me the cup. "You can have it." He smiles. "No, it's yours." I hand it back to him. "It's just ice cream baby, you can have it."

"Really?" I curve my lips down, I was about to start crying tears of joy.

"Yes." He nods, smiling. "Thank you." My eyes glimmer, happily. "You're welcome." He smiles again.

I sniffle eating my ice cream, this was really getting to me. "Can I finish before we go home?" I lift the cup up to his face. "Mhm." Tom nods.

"You're so sweet."


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