The Plan

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[AN - Authors Notes]

This is pretty much my first story! Sorry for any mistakes!

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Checking beforehand to ensure his dad, Pac, was still sleeping, Richarlyson snuck out to his friend's house (Ramón).

He carefully avoided the creatures that crept through the shadows, occasionally being shot with an arrow in the head, but he made it through nonetheless. Richarlyson made it to the warp stone labelled "FAVELA" and looked around for anyone watching, then just went for it, placing his palms onto the warp stone, thinking "Ramon's house" over and over to reach his destination.

Purple particles danced around him, and a deafening 'woosh' sound pierced through his ears - Hopefully, no one else heard it. Richarlyson kept his eyes closed to keep the focus on going to Ramón's.

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Ramón got up swiftly upon hearing the warp stone's 'song' and opened the door to meet his friend.

"Richas!" He signed as he saw him
"Hey! Nice to see you, Ramón" Richas signed back. "Now... what's the fofoca you were talking about?"

"Oh yeah, come inside, I'll tell you everything!" Ramón led his friend inside his house and sat on his bed, patting it for Richarlyson so he could sit down next to him.

"So." Ramón began to sign... Richas took a deep breath because he knew what would happen next.

Ramón began to sign as if the world would end in 2 minutes, making Richarlyson put his hands down to make him stop.

"Slowly." Richas signed
"Right, Sorry", Ramón apologised, taking a deep breath. "My dad..." He began to sign again, slowly, this time, "Has a crush on your dad."

They both paused for a moment, processing this information.

"So it is reciprocated..." Richarlyson signed first. "My dad likes your dad too."

Ramón signed, "That's good; it means we can get them together with no awkward casualties" back, making Richarlyson snort a little.

Ramón opened a drawer next to his bed and got out a book, opening it and scribbling "PLANS TO GET FIT AND PAC TOGETHER (-Ramón and Richarlyson)" and handing it to his friend.

They both began giggling with each other before-
"Oi! What's going on here?!"
They heard Fit's voice through the door as he tried to unlock it.

The two kids looked at each other in fear and scrambled to hide the book under Ramón's pillow.

Once Fit made it through the door, he looked at the rascals in disappointment. "If you wanted a sleepover, you could've just said so! Richarlyson, you're going back to the Favela; Pac was worried sick when he saw you were gone!"

Without thinking, Richas started signing, "Of course you'd know about Pac's-" before Ramón stopped him, making Fit look at them both suspiciously.
"No, no, I'd like to hear what he has to say about me and Pac." He stated, waiting for an answer, but he only got a quick "Nothing!" from them.

Rolling his eyes, he left to wait by the warp stone. "Say your goodbyes; Richas is coming with me."

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"Richarlyson!" Pac exclaimed, "Where were you?"

Richarlyson stood behind Fit, looking away guiltily.

"He was at Ramón's house, like the slippery worm he is!" Fit laughed. "Go on then, Richas. I gotta head back to talk to Ramón."

Richas slumped into Pac's arms.

"Feeling tired, Richas?" His dad asked, Richas nodding groggily into him, earning a little pat on the head.

Pac picked him up so he could say goodbye to Fit.

"Thank you, Fit. I hope Ramón doesn't get into much trouble!"

"Ah, don't worry about it; I'll just tell him to ask for sleepovers next time. Bye, Pac!" Fit waved before heading back.

"Bye, papa Fit!" Richas signed, smiling to himself, earning a glare from Pac and a confused "Bye Richas?" from Fit.

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Turns out this isn't going to be just one chapter like I expected :,)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter might be out soon (idk HOW soon, but yeah-)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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