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"Gia! The hotter twin is here!" Aliyah yells, opening the front door. I grab Tom's hand, walking to the living room. "Bill!" I smile, giving him a hug.

"Hi! What's going on?" He asks, taking his shoes off. "TOMMM!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Jesus fuck." Bill covers his ears.

Tom comes stumbling from our bedroom. "What." He says annoyed. "Okay, attitude." I reply.

"You'll never guess what happened Bill." I snicker. "No! Don't mention it please." Tom whines.

"Can we talk about the fact Tom calls himself heartless and coldblooded, cause it's it's quite funny." I laugh, sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah, he's just got a big ego what about it?" Bill shrugs. "He couldn't kill a homeless man is what she's trying to say." Aliyah explains.

"You, froze up?" Bill points to Tom. "It was sad Bill, it was like me two months ago." I pout. "Stop talking about it." Tom sighs, scratching his head.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you lately!" I yell, waving my hands around at him. "You don't get it Gia, and you never will!" He hits the wall.

"Here they go again, grab some popcorn. You're in for a long one." Aliyah says, to Bill.

"Girl, I been here long before you. I just sit back and observe." He laughs, sitting down on the couch.

Tom and I glare their way, before picking right back up where we left off. "So explain to me then!" I shout. "I can't." He sighs, defeated. "Why can't you Tom, hm?"

"You want me to explain to you how this is all your fault?! It's all your fault Gia! I wasn't like this, I could skin a person, and not feel nothing. No remorse, fucking nothing!" I don't respond, listening to him.

"But then, oh but then. You got pregnant, you're giving birth! To a life! And you expect me to take one? From somebody else? How could I do that? Imagine one of these women I kill one of these days is pregnant, i'll be killing a child!" He yells, before continuing.

"You're suffocating me! Suffocating me with all your love and everything else! And I hate the fact that I love it so much, I hate that." He points at me, tears start beginning to shed from his eyes as he shouts.

"I'm sorry." I reply simply.

"That's the thing Gia! You have nothing to be sorry for. Absolutely fucking nothing! I'm the bad guy, i'm the one who's in the wrong. I'm the one who was forced into this world, I was a teenager. A CHILD!"

More and more tears start to fall from his eyes, I was about to start crying, it seemed like I was crying everyday since i've gotten pregnant now.

"I'm so sick and tired, so sick and tired Gigi. I just wanna live, I wanna be a music teacher. What if that's all I wanna be? What happens then. How will I provide? For my child, for this life." He starts to pace around as he talks.

"I think you broke Tom." Aliyah says, looking at him as he paces around the room before speaking again.

"So, I teach you. I help you learn to not be guilty, but then I do the exact same thing? If I can't provide for you then i'm nothing! I'm nothing without you Gia. Absolutely nothing." He cries, stopping in his tracks.

"The minute you have this baby Gia, it'll be over for me. For this whole mafia shit and I promise you that. Because I can't do it anymore, I can't." His voice breaks the slightest, my heart shatters, just hearing his voice.

I get closer to him, embracing him into a tight hug. Wrapping my arms around him, I wanted it to feel like I was shielding him from life.

I knew I wouldn't be able to do that, and that hurts.

"But i'm not." He shakes his head.

"You're not what?" I ask, pulling away, rubbing his arms. "Im not quitting." He walks over to the liquor cabinet, grabbing some whiskey.

"You can do whatever you want to do, it doesn't matter." I state, reassuringly.

Oh god, he's coming back on the rant.

"You think, I can do whatever I want to? Have you met our family?" He gestures between him and Bill.

"I was never looking for love! I was just trying to have a small cover up life, be normal for the most part. But then I met you, and now it's been nearly seven years. I would never trade you for anything in the world Gia."

"You should've seen me when I was 18, I was a fucking psychopath. But you, you saved me from myself. Saved me from it all, and now I don't know who I am. Or who I want to be, I don't know anything. I don't know the person i've become and it's scary." He sniffles.

"So you can just figure it out, we'll figure it out together." I smile. "What's a mafia boss if he can't kill? That's no boss, if word gets out I froze up. I'll be having people busting down my door." He says.

"You know this is the most interesting argument by far for me." Aliyah whispers to Bill, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"Im no longer a kid, I should be better at this. But yet i'm not, why?" He pauses, in between his words.

"Because I met you."

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