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I wake up, instinctively I lean closer. Trying to hug Gia.

I pat on the bed, looking for her. "Gigi?" I say confused, looking up. "GIA?" I yell.

I bolt up, going to the bathroom. She wasn't there, I walk out, looking at the whole house. No where. I knock on Aliyah's door. "Come in!" She yells.

"Where's Gia?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just woke up. It's the first day of spring break and i'm not wasting it talking to you." She covers herself up, going back to sleep.

"Gia's missing." I say, she lifts the blanket off her face looking at me. "Missing?" She looks to me confused.

"I can't find her anywhere!" I start to panic, she was pregnant. "Do you have the car keys, she probably took them and got breakfast or something." Aliyah shrugs.

I walk over to the table by the door, my keys were still there. "They're still here Aliyah." I yell out.

"Okay, don't panic. Just call everyone you can think of." Aliyah walks over to me, rubbing my shoulders reassuringly. I start to call everyone known to man.


"I've even called her OB, no one's seen her this morning." I throw my phone on the table.

"Do we call the cops now or what?" Aliyah asks.

"Girl, we're in the mafia. You want to include cops in this?" Aliyah rolls her eyes. "I hate sassy men." She sighs. "Well, I hate you. Now where the fuck is my wife!" I groan, rubbing my forehead.

"Maybe she found a guy with a better dick." Aliyah says. "Fuck you, this is serious."

"Didn't say I wasn't being serious." She replies. I cuddle up in the spot on the couch I was sitting. What happened to Gia.

I put my head in my knees, thinking about all the possibilities, the worst ones run through my mind first. The thoughts that she could be dead right now.

I silently cry, didn't want that hen to hear me.

"Tom- I." She rubs my back. "What if we don't get her back? I don't know where she is Aliyah." I suck in my lips, worriedly. "We'll get her back, don't worry."


"What do you want from me please." I whine, pulling at the tugs of my rope.

"I want you Gia, i've always wanted you." The masked man starts to rub my chin.

"You have no idea who my fiancé is." I snicker, shaking my head. "Oh this fiancé?" He pulls his laptop out, pressing play on a video.

It was the video from last night, when he froze up.

"How did you get that?" I look him up and down, dumbfounded by who he really was.

His pointer finger grazes my jawline, he had a birthmark on it, a familiar one. Oh my god.

"TRISTAN?" I yell out, furrowing my brows at him. "Oh yes 'babe!' it is Tristan." He laughs, mocking the voice he would speak to me in.

"I knew I should've listened to Tom, he said he didn't trust you but I let him lead me otherwise." I sniffle. "Oh, Tom right? Let's FaceTime him, shall we?"

Tristan grabs my phone off the table, it was close but far away enough to the point where I wouldn't be able to reach it. He takes my thumb, using the fingerprint.

It unlocked.

Tristan starts to scroll through my contacts, till he finds Tom's. He presses Facetime, immediately Tom picks up. "GIA?!" He yells, worriedly.

Tristan covers my mouth with his hand. "Aw, you're worried for her, how sweet." Tristan raises his voice an octave. "Who the hell are you, where's Gia." Tom barks.

"You don't remember me? Babe?" Tristan laughs, putting the phone down.

"I knew you were a sick fuck from the minute I saw you." Tom scoffs.

"Come get your wife, 483 Brimmer St Nw." He lists out the address we were in, before hanging up the phone.

"He's gonna come in here with everyone else. You're alone, how will that work?" I smile, a little. "Me alone?" He laughs, putting his hands up to his mouth whistling.

Suddenly a hurdle of men come inside the warehouse, had to been at least fifty guards, how was Tom supposed to get through them.

"Love, the whole point of this was to kill Tom. You have no real meaning to any of us. Nothing more then a good fuck." He crouched down, putting his hands on my knees. 

"If you even lay a hand on me, I swear to god I will bite your tip off. Don't fucking test me." I spit in his face.

"Feisty are we?" He wipes the spit off his face, rubbing his hands up higher on my thighs.

"Don't, please." I move my face away, biting my lower lip. "Oh but now you're scared? Scared of me ruining your body Gia? Don't you only belong to Tom?"

I don't respond, looking away.

"He marked you that very first party you went to. Very first man to touch you, wasn't he?" He whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting my face.

"Maybe i'll be the next one to touch you." He slides his hands up my pajama shorts, I felt the tears start to brim my eyes. "Please." I tremble my words.

"But I wouldn't wish to have too much fun with you with all these men here, so i'll spare you this one." He laughs, slapping my knee as he pulls his hand out.

I sigh in relief, Tom was gonna be here soon, and I knew he could fight them. He had to.

Tom will be here soon.

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