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'[Male Name]'= Someone talking
'[Male Name]'=Someone thinking
'[Male Name]'= Someone talking in Spanish


"Ughh mom! I don't wanna do this shit, I have business to attend" A male with white hair and crystal light blue eyes says with boredom on his tone while his mother scoff at her son's behavior "Stop complaining! That business of yours can wait, I want you to meet one of my old friends and she says that she has someone for you to meet as well" She says and the boy could only roll his eyes.

"I'm not interested in bitches mom" He says and his mother scoff at him "It's a boy hun, younger than you" She says and took a left turn "Then I ain't interested in a fuckboy" His mother sighs and didn't say anything else which make him smile smugly.

He then groaned when the car came to a stop, making him hit his face at the back of the drivers seat. "We're here!" She says and the white haired boy looks outside the window to see a simple house, not too big nor small, just simple. They both get out of the car and walks towards the front door.

His mother knocks on the wooden door and a minute later it was opened by a woman with brown hair and blue eyes "Ahh! Kristinee! It's so nice to finally see you again!" The woman says and hugs the white hair boy's mother "Haha! Valeria! It's also nice to see you again!" His mother says after breaking the hug.

"Come in! And I see you brought your son with you" Valeria says, leading the two of them to the living room. She motioned for them to sit which they did. "This is my son, Keiro Addison" Keiro only nods his head "Ah, such a fine young man!" Valeria says and smiles "And where is that nephew of yours?" Kristine asks "Right! [Male Name] sweetie! Please come down here, we have visitors" Valeria says a bit louder making Kristine giggle and Keiro to groan. He doesn't want to meet his mother's friend nephew.

They can hear footsteps coming down the stairs and then a figure appear at the living room entrance.

"Hello, my name is [Male Name] Arisu!" He says and did a bow making Kristine to chuckle "Oh my! What a polite boy you are, unlike my son" She says and whispers the last part but Valeria heard it and she sweat drop.

"[Male Name] come take a seat" Valeria says, motioning her nephew to sit beside her which he obliged. "[Male Name] this is Kristine Addison, the one I've been telling you about" Valeria says, gesturing to the female "Nice to meet you Mrs. Kristine, I've heard lots of good things about you!" [Male Name] smiles which made the blonde haired woman's heart to melt. Why can't her son be this polite.

"Nice to meet you as well [Male Name]! Oh, I want you to meet my son, this is- KEIRO STOP STARING AT THE BOY!" Kristine shouted, smacking her sons head to take him out of his day dream. "What the FUCK mom!!" He shouted while he hold his head, [Male Name] and Valeria just watch the scene unfold in front of them making them both sweat drop.


Edited: 11/17/23

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