Chapter one: knock knock?

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Oh my... This is horrible. Was it worth it? Yea. All of this was for her, and it was all worth it. I can't even explain how much I love her. I know every single thing about her, even the small details. Like how she picks on the skin under her left ear when she's nervous, it's so cute when she does that. Not only that, she also has a pretty name. Mara. Just saying her name gives me butterflies. Mara... Mara... Mara... Shit. I got off task again. I was on my way to drop off a package to her, just something special... I hope she'll like it, I planned on dropping the package at her door anonymously and then watching outside for her reaction. I finally arrived to her house and took the package out of my backpack and placed it on her doorstep. Then I knocked on the door loudly so I was sure she heard it. I ran to her back yard and sat right next to where her bedroom window is. I pulled out my phone so I could look at her through the cameras I set up all over her house. I heard the door open and then close, which meant she grabbed the box and brought it inside. Good... Through the cameras I could see her open the box, she pulled out each jar, one. at. a. time. Her reaction was so fucking cute, she looked so scared and shocked and I loved it..
I couldn't help but smile as I heard her screaming, the cameras also had speakers so I could hear her. "Please tell me this is fake.. This can't be real! Is this a prank?! Even if it is, im calling the fucking police!" She yelled as she was still freaking out. I couldn't let her call the police so I texted her from a different number. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, love." I texted to her. She stopped freaking out and went silent. "who the fuck is this." she replied back. Then I also replied, "I'm the one who sent those jars." along with that message I sent a picture of her house. You might think i'm crazy, but doing this makes me feel so happy. I then saw the message she sent back, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM, YOU CREEP! YOU REALLY THINK I'LL FALL FOR THIS SHITTY PRANK?!" I sighed and started typing again, "If you don't believe the present I got for you is real, then turn on the news channel." It went quiet. I checked the cameras again and I saw her turning on the tv and going to the news channel, like I asked. The first thing she saw on the tv was a missing person report with the face of the missing person on the tv. Now I texted her, "I want you to pick up the biggest jar and look at it and then look at the person on the tv." She stopped for a moment and then picked the jar up and compared it to the creepy looking guy on her tv, she stopped and slowly put it down. I saw her grab her phone and start texting me again. "WHY WOULD KILL AN INNOCENT PERSON? GO TO HELL, YOU WORTHLESS FUCK. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE" I heard her sobbing as soon as she sent that text. Wanna know what was in those jars that made her so scared? Well, it was just the severed limbs of the missing person that she saw! I still can't get over how precious my beautiful Mara is. That's exactly why I got her that gift in the first place. I'm not gonna hurt her, I just wanted to give her a scare. "You're just tempting me even more by yelling at me, why do you have to be so perfect?" I sent back to her. Before she even got the chance to text back I sent another message, "I'll leave you alone, for now. I only stopped by to give you that lovely gift, just to show you how much I love you. But if I find out that you've called the police, I might have to drop by again and give you another suprise." I got out of my hiding spot and headed back home. I felt so happy that she enjoyed my present. I just can't help myself when it comes to Mara. If anyone ever touches her, i'll kill them with my bare hands...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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