04. The Night He'd Never Forget

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Jungkook held onto Jimin's arm tightly as their eyes moved towards the sky.

"How beautiful," Jimin muttered, his eyes sparkling with happiness as he got the view of sunset after so long.

Jungkook's gaze turned towards the smaller, "Yeah," he smiled, "it's really, so beautiful," his voice filled with affection for the smaller. No, he definitely wasn't appreciating the sunset at the moment. He was talking about his Jiminie.

They both remained at the same place, till the day turned into night. Not wanting to let go, because if they did, they would probably never be able to meet again.

Jungkook observed Jimin getting tired from standing too long, so he spoke up, "Let's go sit now. You need rest."

The smaller's eyes radiated sorrow as he looked down, "Yeah... I'm tired." Their grip never loosened as they walked towards their reserved table.

He made Jimin sit first, pecking his forehead before sitting just beside the smaller.

"Would you like to eat anything?" He asked as he noticed that Jimin's face appeared paler than before.

Jimin smiled softly. "I-I'm not hungry, Kook-ah," his voice devoid of any energy, it was clear from the way he spoke out that he was having difficulty in speaking.

That's when Jungkook realized, the day had finally come to an end. It's the night he never wanted to encounter.

No, he shouldn't cry.

He shouldn't cry...

"Jungkook-Ah?" Jimin called out his name softly, "Look at the stars."

His eyes moved towards the sky again.

"T-think of the darkness of the night sky as the problems you face," Jimin smiled, "and the stars will always be me, alright? I won't let the darkness engulf you, even when I'm gone."

"Don't go just yet, Jimin dear..." His voice hoarse as he spoke out, "stay with me, please."

Jimin's body shot closer to him, "Don't be too sad. I don't want you to cry when you remember me, so whenever you miss me, smile brightly," he kissed the taller's cheek, leaning his head onto Jungkook's shoulder.

"I don't want it to be true, but—" he took a deep breath before continuing, "I love you, and I will always keep loving you."

Jimin smiled the brightest when Jungkook spoke those words, he felt his eyelids getting heavier... he knew it was the time.

"I love you more. Let's meet again, love..." His voice just above a whisper as he spoke out, his eyes finally closing.

Even though Jungkook tried so hard to hold it in, he couldn't as he felt the coldness of Jimin's body that leaned against him. Tears trailed down the taller's cheeks. Their hands were still holding onto each other, tightly.

Was that how their story came to an end?

"You promised to meet me in the afterlife, remember that," he whispered softly, still staying in that position.

"Jungkook! You are getting late!" A pitched yet melodious voice called out, shaking the taller for him to wake up.

Jungkook groaned, trying to get the pillow off his face, "Wait what—"

He tried to open his eyes slowly, as they were sticky due to the tears he had shed out throughout the night.

"Why are you crying, Kookie?" Jimin asked with his worry filled voice as he got the view of Jungkook's face clearly.

"You– you are alive?" Jungkook asked, his eyes staring at the smaller in shock.

There was a moment of silence between them. Jimin glared at the taller, "Why? Was I supposed to be dead according to you?"

Was it just a dream?

Yeah, it was all just a dream...


"Oh my god!" Jungkook squealed so loud, getting the smaller to cover up his ears. Jimin stared at him dumbfounded as the taller embraced him into a tight hug, "It was all just a dream! You are here alive! With me!" His voice sounded cheerful than ever.

The smaller finally realized what he meant. 'Jungkook must've had a dream where I died,' he giggled.

Jimin hugged him back, patting his back a little, "Yah, it's okay, it's okay! I'm not leaving you, alright? I'm still too young to die."

Jungkook's giggles were so loud as he heard his voice, "I thought I won't get to see you again."

"Trust me, we have a long way to go. But you have to get ready first. You are already late for work!" Jimin whisper-shouted into his ears as he looked at the time again.

"Late? Ugh, leave it. Let's just spend the day together."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The End.

I had written this one in September but forgot to post it 👻But here it is !

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I had written this one in September but forgot to post it 👻
But here it is !

Can I get some comments, please? :)

Thank you so much for reading "Just One Day" precious hoomans ! 💖
Love you <3

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