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"Are you sure of this address? It could be a setup Tom." Bill says, as I drive through the roads. "Already got someone to track the call, it's not a setup."

I scurry into the parking lot, getting out. Three cars behind me also get out from my clan. "If we don't get Gia, i'm killing all of you, understand?" I say to all of them. "Yes sir." They respond.

"If they knew about last night they wouldn't be saying yes sir." Bill whispers, snickering.

"Shut up." I reply, staring at him blankly. Georg goes in his car, grabbing an extra gun. "What's that for?" I ask. "Gia, you idiot." Georg throws me the gun.

I catch it swinging it through the loop with my index finger. "Let's go." I nod towards all of them, walking to the door. I put my foot against it, ready to break it down.

I push aggressively, the door falls to the ground, I step over the door running inside with my gun ready. "Listen, don't fight anyone. I want you to work on getting Gia free while we kill them okay?" I tell Bill.

"Yes sir." He mocks, I bust down all the doors, not finding Gia. There was one more door left, she had to have been in there.

I put my back against it listening in, it was soundproof.

I hit against it running in, I immediately see a bunch of men. All pointing their guns at my men, huddling up. I could only assume Gia was behind all of them.

"GIA?!" I yell. "TOM, IM-" She yells back, before her voice got muffled. He put his hands on her.

And I was never gonna let that slide.

I put up the signal for them to start blasting their guns, the AK bullets start to fire everywhere. Bill uses this distraction to sneak behind everyone.

A bullet comes headed straight for me, I had fast instincts, no way was I gonna let some pussy shoot me.

I swerve the bullet, shooting him instead. Some of my men were down, but as long as it wasn't my brother or my best friends, I didn't care.

The only thing that mattered right now was getting Gia. If Gia dies, everybody dies.

I felt a presence behind me, I grab the wrist of whoever was behind me throwing their body over. "Not slick." I laugh, slowly all his men start to drop.

They didn't know how to use guns for shit, they probably weren't even mafia.

There was only five men of theirs left, all guarding Gia. "Where's that brother of your's Thomas, hm?" Tristan laughs. "BOO!" Bill yells in his ear from behind him.

"What?" He looks to him pointing his gun at him, Bill slides his foot in between Tristan's tripping him.

Gustav points his gun at him, about to shoot. "Don't, he's mine." I say, putting my hand on Gustav's chest.

The men point there guns at me. I start to play "Eenie meenie, miney mo." I point my gun at all of them. "The fuck are you doing?" Georg asks.

"Best way to figure out who you're gonna kill first. In this case, it's you." I point my gun to him, shooting him. I saw Gia, look at me proudly.

Baby, i'm back.

I walk over getting closer, they all try to put their hands on me. "Don't touch me." I pull his wrist off me, throwing him onto all his friends, letting them all fall.

I crouch down to Tristan's level, taking his mask off. "Did you touch Gia?" I ask, trailing my gun up his body. "Would it matter if I did?" He scoffs.

"Would it matter if this went off?" I laugh, putting my gun in his mouth, he throws his hands up, surrendering. "Oh but now you're scared? Okay." I laugh. "Gia." I ask, looking up to her.

"Hm?" She hums, looking down. "Did this man touch you?" I point down to him, she doesn't respond raising her brows. "That's what I thought."

"If you're gonna kill me just do it." Tristan says.

"No, i'm not gonna kill you, will I Bill?" I pout. "No you won't." Bill replies.

"What will you do then?" He gulps.

I grab my pocket knife, out from my pocket. "Gia get up." I say, she stands up out from the chair moving away. I place Tristan in the same chair he had her in.

I tie the ropes, harshly. "See, I will kill you. But not today." I graze my pocket knife against his skin.

"Just get it over with." Tristan bites his bottom lip. "Don't talk." I grit my teeth, shoving the knife through his hand. "AH!" He screams.

I start to cut small pieces of his skin off. "See now, you're gonna be tied up, with a bunch of open wounds. But the thing is, no one is gonna come to save you." I start to mark my name into his skin.

His wincing started to get louder and louder. I slice my knife against his forehead, making a TK on it.

"Here you go." I say putting the knife in his lap.

"Let's go." I nod to everyone, suddenly my body goes frozen, all my blood running cold.

I look down at my stomach, seeing the blood seep through into my shirt.

"TOM!" Gia yells, at the top of her lungs.

I finally heard a gunshot, before everything went black.

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