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"Tom!" I crouch down to his level, someone had shot him. We didn't see who it was, it came from the window. They must've planned this.

I felt the tears fill up in my eyes as I press down on his wound. "Tom please." I whine, my bottom lip quivering. "Let's get him to the hospital let's go!" Bill yells. The boys carry him from all sides.

They carry him outside into the car, I sit in the back as his head rests on my lap. "Tom please." I sniffle, stroking his hair.

I felt all of our old memories flash through me within a second.


"Is this you're first time?" Tom asks, hovering over me. I nod slowly, biting my bottom lip.

"Then I guess i'll have to be gentle with you." He leans in giving me a kiss.


I hug his face, crying into him. Every so often Bill would look back, at us. "Is he still breathing?!" He asks, looking back at us.

"His pulse is weak, but it's there." I reply, putting my two fingers against his wrist.

"Here, wrap this around his stomach to stop the bleeding." Bill throws me a scarf, I remove my hands that were now filled with his blood. Wrapping him around tightly.

"Gigi." Tom whispers under his breath.

"Tom?" I hold his face, looking at him, he didn't respond. "Please don't leave me, I need you." I cry, holding him.

"The baby needs you, Bill needs you. We all need you Tom please." I kiss his forehead repeatedly as my tears fall down on his face.

I wipe the tears off his face.

January 2012

"We're from different worlds Gia, I can't teach you how to be in the mafia." Tom says.

"Please don't do this Tom, I love you!" I hold his face. "I have to go Gigi." He holds my face as well, some tears fall down his cheeks.

This was the first time i've ever seen him cry.

I wipe away his tears, hugging him tightly.

"Just, Teach Me."


"We're here!" Bill yells, pulling me out of my thoughts.

A bunch of doctors start to huddle around the car, pulling Tom out. I sit there, just staring ahead. "Honey, are you okay you've got blood on you." The doctor asks.

"Oh, it's my fiancés not mine." I reply, still staring ahead. "Let's get you cleaned up okay?" She grabs my hand, helping me out the car.

"He was shot." I sniffle, as she walks with me. "We'll get him better don't worry." She smiles. "And if you don't?" I finally look at her.

"Let's not worry about that right now." She shakes her head, sitting me down on a bed as she checks my vitals and cleans me up. "I um, i'm pregnant, could we check on the baby." I say as she looks around for wounds.

"Of course, you can call me Dr. Robbins by the way."


"Do you have any updates on my fiancé?" I ask the OB. "Let's focus on you now." She changes the subject, putting the wand on my stomach.

"Is he not okay?" My gaze flickers, while more tears rub down my face. "I have no updates for you, all I know is that he must be going into surgery."

"Oh wow twins huh?" She laughs pointing to the screen.

"What?" I look at the screen confused. "Oh, you didn't know?" She wipes some of the gel off my stomach. "Last time I had an appointment she said it was one baby." I analyze the screen, there really was two babies.

"Well, sometimes the ultrasound machine doesn't catch stuff that quick, how far along are you?" She asks. "15 weeks." I respond.

"Oh, would you like to know the sex?" She smiles. "They were supposed to tell me last time but I never got the results back for some reason. But yes tell me."

"Well over here twin A is a girl..." She points, before moving the wand. "And twin B is.. Oh! Also a girl." She smiles. "Both girls?" I bite my bottom lip.

"Yes, you may not be able to tell but this is where they are both located right now, it took me years to learn how to read one of these perfectly."

I wipe some of the fallen tears. "Thank you." I smile and nod, pulling my shirt down. "Of course." The OB nods back.

"I'm gonna go ask about Tom." I say simply, getting up. "Hope everything goes well for you." She waves goodbye, I wave bye going to the waiting area.

I saw all the guys and now Aliyah sitting down in the waiting area. "I'm pregnant." I say.

"We know." Bill looks up at my frozen body, I was still in shock.

"With twins." I followed up. Everyone's eyes looks to me. "Girls or boys or both?" Bill asks, grinning.  "Girls." I reply.

"That's great Gia." Gustav says, everyone starts to compliment me, I sat down on the chair staring ahead still. "Is Tom okay?" I ask.

"He's in surgery, we don't know." Bill sighs. Aliyah walks over to the chair next to me sitting down.

"I know that a lot of our relationship is just us joking and laughing and sometimes it may not seem like I appreciate what you do for me Gia, but I do. You're like my older sister and I love and appreciate you and Tom a lot, more then i'd like to admit." She comforts me.

"I love you too Aliyah." I interlock my hands with hers. Aliyah leans her head on my shoulder, as we hug into each other. "He's gonna be fine, he'll pull through."

"I hope so."

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