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I sit in Tom's bed, snuggling into him. He still hadn't woken up, but I had hope.

"You know how much I love you right?" I start to talk to him, stroking his hair.

"You're gonna wake up Tom, and then we're gonna go out and buy a whole bunch of baby shit. I found this nice house, it's not really modern but it's a family house. For our family."

"It's five bedrooms, it has this beautiful backyard Tom. So beautiful." I sniffle.

"And we're gonna grow old together Tom, I imagine us to have three kids. On Sunday's we'll have a barbecue, for all of our grandkids and kids." I start to talk about the life I have imagined out for us.

"It might seem basic and boring, but I don't want our kids to be associated with this world. I want us to be happy, and we're going to be." I kiss his forehead as tears run down my face and onto his.

"Remember our first baby talk? It was only one year into us dating, we both knew we were meant for each other, that day you proposed for the first time. I had never been more in love with you."

"I love you Tom, you're gonna wake up." I place a soft kiss on his lips, before molding into his body. Falling asleep.


I was awoken to a sudden light. "Sorry, I have to check his progress." Dr. Robbins whispers. "It's okay." I shook my head, smiling.

I lift my body off Tom, fixing up my messed up hair.

"We have rooms for family to sleep in, I can take you to one if you'd like?" She asks.

"I wanna be with him for anything that happens it's okay." I grip onto his hand tightly. "Okay, usually visiting hours won't allow this but i'll keep a secret." She winks, before checking his IV.

"Thank you." I stand up tucking him in. A knock on the door was heard, before it slid open. It was Aliyah and Bill. "Wanted to see how he was doing." She says.

Aliyah was staying with Bill, she definitely was not complaining. Pretty sure she had a crush on him.

"No changes yet." I hold his hand even tighter. I felt him squeeze it back.

"Did you see that?!" I jump up. "What happened?" Bill asks. "He squeezed back!" I squeal happily.

I saw his face twitch, he scrunched up his nose. Dr. Robbins starts to roll something up and down his body, checking for spasms.

"Tom." I sniffle, patting his cheek. "Please Tom, wake up, you can do it." I kiss him softly.

"Okay, this is a good sign. He may not wake up yet but muscle spasms are good, means his motor functions still work." Dr. Robbins starts to write things down.

I hug up against his body, getting back under the covers. "You're doing great, take your time. I believe in you Tom." I whisper, digging my head into his neck.

"Maybe if you flash him a titty he'll wake up." Aliyah laughs.

"He's always preferred tits over ass, personally it's the other way around for me." Bill shrugs.

Dr. Robbins starts to snicker. "What it's true my brother loves sex, no doubt about that." Bill says.

"Oh my god." Aliyah groans, sliding down the wall.

"It's true, he's one horny little fuck." I tell Dr. Robbins. "Well, stimulation has worked in bringing patients out of coma's." She says.

"Wait really? Like orgasms?" I laugh.

"Yes, sometimes..." She nods. I furrow my brows, grabbing Tom's hand, I put it on my boob.

"Wake up!" I scream.

"Please, i'll let you do anything you want to me just wake up." I whine, pounding gently on his chest. "Maybe whisper something dirty in his ear, I don't know." Bill suggests.

"Right, right. Cover your ears." I point to Aliyah. "Can you not do this while i'm here, please." She sighs.

"I'm on a mission! Cover your ears!" I yell.

"Alright well my check up is over, but hey let me know if that works. Could be useful for future coma patients." Dr. Robbins grins before walking out.

"What should I say?" I question Bill. "He's your fiancé what makes him turned on?"

"Abuse." I nod slowly. "Oh my god." Aliyah gets up before walking out the room.

"Like choking or?" Bill looks to me confused. "Choking, slapping, all the above." I reply. "Oh, okay.." Bill sucks in his bottom lip. "You asked." I shrug.

"Just, tell him something I don't know. But i'm covering my ears." Bill backs up, putting his hands on his ears. I lean closer to his neck, kissing it gently.

"You know what i'm gonna do to you when you wake up? Right Tom? First, im gonna let you fuck me, in a thousand different ways. Standing, sitting, whatever you want. Then, i'll get into that little outfit you like.. remember? The one?" I whisper, looking to Bill.

"I'll do the tongue thing you like, the one where I lick every inch of your dick, i'll suck you off till you go white. Tom, white." I whisper lowly. 

He still didn't wake up.

"It's not working!" I whine. "Maybe he didn't wake up but look." Bill points to the middle of the blanket. I move my gaze down his body, raising my brows.

It was standing straight up.

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