Love at first sight sucks

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                TW: Cursing, trauma,

You walk into the school, looking around at everyone. you think to yourself, will you be popular, or a loner, like at your old school. You walk to the principal's office and sit down on a chair. You look over at a boy, who is seemingly high. You put on your headphones and listen to music before you hear the principle call for you. You take off your headphones and walk to the office as you bump into the boy from before. "Sorry, i didn't see you" You apologize, embarrassed. "its fine" The boy says as he walks out and back into the main school campus. You enter the principal's office and sit down. The principle begins explaining your schedule, and that you will be given a tour by someone. "Emily Yarrow" He says pointing at the student as she walks into the office. Shes blond, short, has hazel eyes, and freckles. She smiles at you and you smile back. You get up, take your schedule and walk with Emily. "I'm Emily, but i assume you already know that, so ill be giving you a tour for the school correct?" You nod as she says that and begin walking with her as she gives you a tour she point out a lot of people, but one person stuck out. a boy, the same boy from the office! But hes alone? Hm you thought he would've been popular, but one again, you were wrong. "That's grant Collins, hes the president's son, he doesn't have any friends, and he lost his younger brother Joseph." She says looking at him. "poor kid.." You say looking at him. "aaanyway continuing on-" Emily continues with the tour and pointing people out. "Thats pretty much it" She smiles at you. "how'd i do?" she asks, hyperly. You shrug "Pretty good" She smiles brightly at you. "I hope we can be friends y/n, bye bye" She walks away. You look back at the room grant is, hes no longer there. You shrug and walk to your class, which is Physical education. You sigh and walk to the class. you enter the girls dressing room and look around. You walk to your locker and place your things into the locker, than walk back to the girls dressing room. You change into a pair of shorts and a sports bra and wait for class to start. Girls begin flooding the locker room and you notice one girl specifically. Shes covered in bruises and scratches. it seems she attempted to cover it with concealer, but failed. you continue looking at all the girls and attempt to read them. you see a group of girls who are most likely the 'popular girls'. You turn around and look behind you and see the emos and goths. You hear the coach hurrying up the girls and you walk out and into the gym. It seems your playing volleyball today in P.E. You see the ball come to you and you set and pass the ball to the other side. Your team wins with a 13:9 score. You enter the changing room and change back into your normal clothes which is a pair of bell bottoms and a black hoodie. You turn on your phone and look at your lock screen. You look at the picture of you, your little sister, your mom, and dad. Your dad and little sister passed about 4 months ago due to a plane crash. You go through a few more of your periods and enter your next period. Science. you enter and sit by yourself when grant sits next to you. He stays quiet. You look over and see him on his phone, but decide to stay quiet. You look at his face and you can tell hes tired. The bell rings and he exits the class and walks to the cafeteria and begins filming a tiktok. You grab your food and sit alone and eat your food. He sits next to you and films you. After hes done filming his tiktok he looks at you. "Are you okay?" He looks at you, concerned. You nod and continue eating. The bell then rings and everybody scatters to there next class. You walk to your next class and sit down. It was ELA, you were good at ela, 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦, you 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 good at ELA. You stay silent but take notes throughout the class. The bell rings and your sent to your last class period. you enter the class and see Emily talking to a boy. She sees you and waves at you, she then signals you to come over to where she is. You walk over and look at her. "Hi Emily !" You say as enthusiastic as possible. She begins rant on and on about how much she loves her life and her boyfriend. The bell then rings and the school day is officially over. Emily hands you a piece of paper and you take a look at it. A Halloween party, coming soon at the white house. So basically grants house? interesting. You thought he wasn't popular, but you were wrong again. "Sure i'll go i guess" you say to Emily. She smiles and says "Cant wait to see you there!" and walks away. you smile and realize you might have found a real true friend. You walk out the school and begin walking home when you see grant wave at you. You look at him confused and walk over to him. He hands you the same paper that Emily gave you and he says. "You should go" He smiles at me. "Sure, bye grant." he looks at you and smiles "Bye girl from school!" He yells to me in a joking manner. "Its Y/n" You say to him calmly. He smiles and says "Bye Y/n!" and his car drives off. You begin walking home and stop infront of your house. You enter it and see your mom on the phone with a bottle of wine. "Sweetie!" Your mom calls to you. "Hi mom." "She hasnt been the same since the crash" You think to yourself. "can you grab me my laptop from the office please?" Your mom asks. "mhm" You walk to the office and grab her laptop. You walk back to her and hand her her laptop. "Thank you, oh Y/n I was thinking we should go to the mall or get ice cream, whenever your not busy" She smiles at you. You smile to her and nod. You walk upstairs to your room with is decorated in posters and plants except my desk. its covered in pictures and notes. "Hmm." You scatter around and pick up a picture of grants little brother holding a good guy doll. You know something that nobody really knows. You know what happened with the good guy dolls back in Hakensack. You were there when it happened. you weren't in the theater but, you were at the school, and, you used to go the same middle school as Jake, Lexy, and Devon. Youve seen the good guy doll up close and personal since your little sister had one, she even took it on the plane with her, before she... well you know. You pin pictures of the good guy doll onto your bulletin board. You look at the board and take out a sharpie and begin writing theories and notes. You finish and hear your phone buzz. You check the notification and see that its from a unknown number. the number says "We know you know about the good guy dolls and we need your help." You look at Your phone, confused. "Who is this?" you text the number back. The number quickly answers. "you know us. jack, lexy, devon, your old friends from middle school?" you look up from my phone. "Fine what do you need?" You look at the board. "Can you help us get into the white house." The number texts back. "How about this, we can meet in person, but, we meet somewhere public, like  cafe or something, are you guys in dc?" You text the number looking nervous. The number texts back. "We can go to a coffee shop." you sigh and text. "hows tomorrow at 8:00 AM, ill invite grant if you want." I sigh. "Yes you do that, and the times perfect we'll see you there." the number texts and you put your phone down. you get out of your room and go downstairs. "Where are you going sweetie?" your mom asks. "to a friends house." you answer. She smiles. "Im proud of you, you made a friend, go have fun." She answers with a smile and you walk out. You begin walking to the white house, contemplating on whether you should do this or not. You ring the doorbell and a guard comes to the intercom. "Who are you, and what do you need" The guard says from the intercom. "Uhm im Y/N and im here to see grant." "Why?" The intercom guard or whatever asks. "Because, hes my friend?" You answer and grant comes down and waves at me. "Hey y/n, whatsup?" he asks. "I am here to ask if you wanted to get coffee with me and a few friends." you say. "I dunno.." He says. "theyve been through stuff, like you have, like i have." His eyes widen when you say that. "Sure im uh sure we can arrange  something." he says. "Tomorrow at 8 AM at the coffee shop." "Alright" He says and waves bye to me as i walk away. you text the number letting them know he'll be there tomorrow. I turn off my phone and walk back home. I enter the house and walk straight to my room. You turn to you bed and sigh. "fuck im tired.." You quickly change into your pajamas, get comfortable and go on your phone. You see grant on your for you page and follow him. after a few minutes he follows you back and you two start talking. he gives you his number and you text him. "Hey, its y/n" He texts back and you two continue talking. Eventually you two fall asleep and you have very nice and sweet dreams.

A.N: Sorry if there are like grammatical errors i like did the best i could lol, and like also i havent wrote anything on wattpad in years. Anyways, this story is more of a slower one, so i hope your patient, and ill be updating it every like Thursday after the new ep comes out and if i dont do it on thursday ill end up doing it on the weekend, but i hope you guys will enjoy the story <3 (Oh and there absolutely no smut in the story, but if you request it i might add an extra little bonus chapter)

Words: 1809

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